• Praying Wives

    Welcome October Freebie

    [et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”1_2″][et_pb_image _builder_version=”3.15″ src=”https://www.cheriezack.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/OFM-IG-Freebie-3-Fear-to-Faith-A-Psalm-to-Pray-Over-Your-Child.png” url=”www.overfiftymom.com” /][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_2″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.15″]   We are so excited to partner in ministry with our precious friend Bonnie Wallace. She is pure joy and brings inspiration and clarity to our ministry here at Fighting For Your Marriage. And because we LOVE her so much, we tend to love all that she creates. Including her new ministry for moms who are 50 and over. Have you heard of OverFiftyMOM.com?   [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.15″] Bonnie has created a sweet space for moms like me and you to visit with her and chat about our adult children. I…

  • Today's Imperfect Minute


    As he walks around the rubble, he sees proof of the enemy’s warfare. It’s real.  Although he remembers how the city looked, it’s only a vivid memory.  His home is destroyed, his people are heart-broken, and he lacks the knowledge to rebuild the walls.  Its looks impossible but faith wouldn’t let the enemy win. Nehemiah fasted and prayed for three months before going into the kings chambers. Yet, the moment he enter the king’s presence, he could have been killed. Nehemiah was heart-broken, so heart-broken he couldn’t properly do his job.  No one was ever to enter the king’s presence…

  • Today's Imperfect Minute


    What I love about scripture it’s real truth for daily living.  No matter what the situation, God is actively involved in their lives even during the darkest moments.  Although we can read “what happened next” in their lives, do you realize the prophets, early church, and disciples had to walk by faith to see the impossible?  Whether it was sickness, dealing with the demon possession, lack of funds, or being persecuted for their faith the church has stood through the tests and trials of life.   The church was bought with the blood, held by the Word of God, and empowered…

  • Today's Imperfect Minute


    I can hardly believe Resurrection Sunday is almost here again! I wanted to take a few minutes and share why this season is so special to me and my marriage.  Most of you are not familiar with my testimony, so this is the perfect time to share! I was raised in a Christian home and like others; I thought I knew Christ!  However, once I was grown and moved out of my parent’s home, and was sowing my own selfish seeds of sin; I didn’t truly understand! I met a young man (my husband now), and became pregnant; then we decided…

  • Today's Imperfect Minute


    I’ve gotten into the habit over the last couple months of walking in the early morning hours; up well before the sun on weekday mornings.  It’s quiet and peaceful, and when there is a full moon, not cloudy, and you can see all the stars in the sky, it’s really quite inspiring and a great opportunity to pray and seek the Lord. Last Saturday, I woke up and got on my walking shoes to head out just as the daylight was starting to show itself.  We had a nice rain during the night.  As I was walking down the road,…