We are so excited to partner in ministry with our precious friend Bonnie Wallace. She is pure joy and brings inspiration and clarity to our ministry here at Fighting For Your Marriage. And because we LOVE her so much, we tend to love all that she creates. Including her new ministry for moms who are 50 and over. Have you heard of OverFiftyMOM.com?
Bonnie has created a sweet space for moms like me and you to visit with her and chat about our adult children. I have four of them. And there are days when the enemy tries to attack me with fear concerning them. Because I love them so deeply I can give in to that fear unknowingly. But we don’t have to. Bonnie understands the fear we all face in different seasons concerning our children. She has adult children to and gets the knots in your tummy feeling to overwhelming fear with the steps they take or choose not to take.
To celebrate the kickoff of her Blog, Bonnie has a sweet FREEBIE designed with moms like us in mind to help you move from FEAR to FAITH and we are sharing it today. If you are a mom that hasn’t reached the fifty year mark, can I encourage you to head over to her site? You don’t have to be fifty to gain wisdom and understanding from the resources Bonnie creates. They apply to every mom no matter your age or season in life with your children. Head over to www.OverFiftyMom.com and grab this resource today. If you would, leave her a comment and let her know we sent you. Bonnie has the Gift of Exhortation. We know you are going to Love her.