Today's Imperfect Minute


4-14-2014 8-40-22 AMI can hardly believe Resurrection Sunday is almost here again! I wanted to take a few minutes and share why this season is so special to me and my marriage.  Most of you are not familiar with my testimony, so this is the perfect time to share!

I was raised in a Christian home and like others; I thought I knew Christ!  However, once I was grown and moved out of my parent’s home, and was sowing my own selfish seeds of sin; I didn’t truly understand! I met a young man (my husband now), and became pregnant; then we decided to move in together.


As years past, and with many mistakes on my part; I was led to a desperate place in my relationship with the man I was living with (my husband now).  If I was to keep this man, my children, and my home; change had to take place!

I cried out to God that I needed help!

My life radically changed! I stopped doing crazy things that got me nowhere in life. I rededicated my life to Christ, and about six months later, we were married!  This began my new journey and led me to begin Bible College. After many years of praying for my husband; He turned his life over to Christ! There is huge testimony behind this sentence! Not enough space here though!

What I want you sweet wives to embrace is this; the same power that brought Jesus back from the dead, can bring your life, and your marriage back from the Dead! It is Resurrection Power!

Never doubt the “Power of a Praying Wife!”

Building strong marriages together,

Leanne Collins


The following are a few verses to further encourage you:

“For the unbelieving husband is set apart (separated, withdrawn from heathen contamination, and affiliated with the Christian people) by union with his consecrated (set-apart) wife, and the unbelieving wife is set apart and separated through union with her consecrated husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean (unblessed heathen, outside the Christian covenant), but as it is they are prepared for God [pure and clean]. But if the unbelieving partner [actually] leaves, let him do so; in such [cases the remaining] brother or sister is not morally bound. But God has called us to peace.For, wife, how can you be sure of converting and saving your husband? Husband, how can you be sure of converting and saving your wife?” (1 Corinthians 7:14-16)

“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.” (Hebrews 4:12-13)


  1. Such a powerful transparent post, Leanne! Thank you for sharing and encouraging us in the greatest power there is…Resurrection Power! And also reminding us of the power of prayer! These are of powers of victory and change!

  2. It’s so encouraging to see that through prayer continued prayer and by Gods amazing grace your husband came to Christ. I’m in the midst of these very prayers now and I know I will see my husband following Christ soon ;). Thanks for sharing.

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