Today's Imperfect Minute


5-5-2014 8-06-32 AMWhat I love about scripture it’s real truth for daily living.  No matter what the situation, God is actively involved in their lives even during the darkest moments.  Although we can read “what happened next” in their lives, do you realize the prophets, early church, and disciples had to walk by faith to see the impossible?  Whether it was sickness, dealing with the demon possession, lack of funds, or being persecuted for their faith the church has stood through the tests and trials of life.   The church was bought with the blood, held by the Word of God, and empowered with the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead.  Nothing can destroy the power of the Spirit; He destroyed every obstacle in our way even death.


Being close to Jesus doesn’t exempt us from tests or trials; it’s proof we belong to Him.  He wants to work in our difficulties so He will be glorified through it.  Difficulties will come but the love of God is secure; it never fades or disappears.

“Now JESUS LOVED Martha and her sister and Lazarus.”  (John 11:5)

Jesus ate in their home, walked with them, and He received a gift of love through Mary’s tears and perfume.  She anointed the Lord for His burial but He was working through the difficulties of their lives through Lazarus sickness and death.  So the sisters sent word to Jesus, “Lord, THE ONE YOU LOVE is sick.” (John 11:3 Out of love and concern the sisters “CRY OUT” to the Lord because they KNEW He loved them.  Although Lazarus was sick, it didn’t prevent or destroy the love Jesus had for him.  Nothing could destroy His love for Lazarus, HE HEARD their cry.  “WHEN HE HEARD THIS, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death.  No, it is for GOD’S GLORY SO THAT GOD’S SON MAY BE GLORIFIED THROUGH IT.” (John 11:4)

Although we are familiar with the story of the Resurrection; we forget the main character of the event.  We neglect realizing WHO HE IS, WHAT HE WANTS TO DO, AND ALLOW HIM THE OPPORTUNITY TO WORK IN OUR LIVES.  This precious family had an urgent need, filled with fear, and desperately cried for Christ to come.  Jesus didn’t stop loving them or ignore their plea but He didn’t arrive WHEN THEY EXPECTED.  He heard their cry and He was on the way; on the way to reveal Himself to them as the Resurrection and the Life!  Although these precious followers saw the miraculous He performed for others, He wanted to PERSONAL touch their lives for God’s glory.

Keep in mind, God’s timing is perfect!

Although your heart has cried out and it seems as if Jesus is running late; He is working out the details to bring glory to God.  It’s not a situation beyond His abilities to assist or His lack of care, HE IS COMING TO YOUR AID!!!!!  As Mary came to where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet.  When Jesus saw her weeping and the Jews who had come with her also, HE WAS DEEPLY MOVED IN HIS SPIRIT AND greatly troubled.  How deeply moved was Jesus about this situation of his beloved followers?  Jesus wept.

Jesus was deeply moved in His spirit and wept for them but He came, changed the situation, and brought glory to God.  In case you are wondering if God cares about your marriage or your family-He is deeply moved in His Spirit, weeps with you, and will come bring deliverance-just believe.

Building strong marriages together,

Tina Wetor


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