• Imperfect Wives


    Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14) As Father’s Day slowly approaches this month, there’s so much that can be said about the Father figure. Strong, steady, courageous, and determined. I wonder how we talk of our man to our children. Do we belittle him or do we lift him up?   I want to encourage you to speak well of your husband to your children. Our words can either make it or break it with our children sometimes, especially concerning…

  • Imperfect Wives


    Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5) As Mother’s today, we have a lot to live up too. We’re supposed to be supermom that can do everything and then some. We’re to hold the world with one hand while conquering our own affairs. We’re to be proud of what we can do and flaunt it. If we admit that we can’t do it all, then we are called weak and maybe even…

  • Imperfect Wives


    There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health. (Proverbs 12:18) As wives, we have such a big influence on our men. They listen to us intently and watch our actions towards them. It’s such a privilege to be able to encourage my husband and to build him up. Sometimes, I forget to do that.   I get aggravated or just plain busy with holding down the fort that I don’t lift him up with my words. I’m not tearing him down, but I’m not verbally telling him what a blessing…

  • Imperfect Wives


    It’s not always easy to wage war when the battle is hot. It’s truly tiresome, feels relentless, and sometimes we just want to give up. Crossroads will appear in our marriage at some point; either to continue the course or travel elsewhere. So, what direction will your turn? Satan’s voice is calling you to look at the imperfections of your spouse, the mounting difficulties, and rely upon your feelings of being overwhelmed.   Yet, God’s never faced a battle. He can’t win! God’s looking at your life and circumstances with a different view. So, how do see through God’s perspective?…

  • Praying Wives


    IDENTITY: Who someone is; the name of a person. The qualities, beliefs, etc., that make a particular person or group different from others. Our identity is who we are; it makes up our character. So many things come into play when one’s identity is being formed. Genetics, birth place, beliefs, social relationships and friends etc. It determines how we view ourselves, how we think about ourselves. I have struggled with my identity since I was a teenager, which usually meant I was always taking on the identity of my closest friend or group of friends at the time. I would…