Imperfect Wives


Humble WomenLikewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5)

As Mother’s today, we have a lot to live up too. We’re supposed to be supermom that can do everything and then some. We’re to hold the world with one hand while conquering our own affairs. We’re to be proud of what we can do and flaunt it.

If we admit that we can’t do it all, then we are called weak and maybe even mocked. This misconception is prevalent in today’s culture. That’s so far from the truth of God’s Word that it’s insane, yet it’s deep rooted in our minds.

Peter tells us to be clothed with humility and to be humble. That’s so against our nature isn’t it? To admit that we are weak and that we need help. Yet, it’s just what God requires of us. During the time of the Israelites, they had to rely on Him for all that they needed, especially in the wilderness. It’s not different for us today. We cannot obtain humility on our own. It’s not our nature. It goes again our very sinful nature. Our nature is to stay strong and never admit that we need help with anything in life. We’re told a lot of times to figure it out and go on with life.

That’s so contrary to God’s words though. He requires something from us that we can’t accomplish on our own. Why is that you may ask? It’s because it humbles us. We have to ask someone stronger, wiser, and smarter than us to help us. If we could do things on our own, why would we need a God? A Savior? The Holy Spirit? There would be no need. He knows when we humble ourselves, we are ready to serve Him and others. When we humble ourselves, possibilities become limitless. He will work in ways you didn’t realize He could. And I don’t know about you, but I need Him. I need His strength, His wisdom, and His mercy. I cannot do this alone. I can’t be the wife and mother He desires without Him continually helping and growing me.

So remember humbling ourselves is admitting we are weak and there’s nothing wrong with that. It enables God’s Spirit to do what we can’t do.

Let’s pray…………………..

Father, thank You for Your Word that instructs us on how to live and how to act, even how to think. We treasure that You care so much for us. Thank You for giving us Your Holy Spirit that empowers us to do things beyond ourselves. May we cleanse ourselves with Your Word and be very sensitive to the Holy Spirit. May we humble ourselves and call on You for help. We are weak and we do need You. Oh how we need You! Help us to accomplish what You desire from us, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Building strong marriages together, 

Heather Strickland

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