Imperfect Wives


GOOD WORDS FOR OUR HUSBANDSThere is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health. (Proverbs 12:18)

As wives, we have such a big influence on our men. They listen to us intently and watch our actions towards them. It’s such a privilege to be able to encourage my husband and to build him up. Sometimes, I forget to do that.


I get aggravated or just plain busy with holding down the fort that I don’t lift him up with my words. I’m not tearing him down, but I’m not verbally telling him what a blessing he is.

I love the book of Proverbs. It has so much wisdom for us to follow and apply to our lives. It talks much about our tongues and our speech. That’s something that can be so hard to tame and keep under control for many, if not all. I want to just encourage you wives some today in your speech. We have such a huge privilege to be able to influence our men in a positive and God honoring way. They may act like words don’t bother them sometimes, but they do because they’re human.

What are we saying with our words? Are we encouraging or discouraging? I love to encourage others. I love giving hope to them. It’s harder for me to verbally do it and I feel more comfortable with writing encouragement. BUT I have been trying to verbally tell my husband encouraging things instead of writing him notes or giving him cards. There’s something about a verbal encouragement that can really boost our men’s hope. We should be very careful of what we say to them and how we say it. Just because we think it, doesn’t mean we have to say it. This, I am learning ladies.

So as you go about your day, think of something encouraging to tell your husband. Lift his spirits and show him you mean those words.

Let’s pray………………………….

Father, we are so thankful for our husbands. They are truly a treasure from You. We can’t express our gratitude for them in our lives. Thank You for words. They are such powerful things that we can use for the good. Help us to speak encouraging, hopeful words to our men. Help us to bring our thoughts into submission and examine our words before we speak. May we lift up our husbands and speak words of love to them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Building strong marriages together, 

Heather Strickland

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