God is Doing Something New
God is doing something new. As some of you may know, I have a radio program that airs locally on WTJT 90.1 Monday-Friday each week. I’ve been doing this for just over a year now. The program is focused on marriage based on my ministry The Imperfect Wives. Three weeks ago I received a call from Westar Media Group. They listened to a few of my programs and in short wanted to offer me an opportunity to take my radio program nation wide. As you can imagine I was stunned. I wasn’t looking for this so it caught me by surprise. Bill and I prayed over their offer and talked with those we trust spiritually and who love our family. We said yes last week and signed the contract this past Monday. Below is the official announcement and a little bit of information about Westar Media Group.
He is Doing Something New With Us
We are excited to partner with Westar Media Group. Based in Colorado Springs, Westar has been serving Christian radio for nearly 25 years – producing radio programs for and doing work with Promise Keepers, Family Research Council, IFCJ, Compassion International, Proverbs 31 Ministry, Bill Gaither and many more. Together we will produce and launch a monthly campaign of :60 short features called Fighting for Your Marriage that will be available and marketed to every Christian radio station in the country (approximately 2,250). Please pray for all the work that needs to be done in the next six weeks and that stations will be receptive to running these spots where I encourage, teach and direct people in their marriage.
Would You Like To Join Us
Bill and I and our team give all the glory to God with humility, joy, and gratefulness that He has done something for this ministry that was not expected or sought out. Now we have an oppritunity before us to reach 1,000’s of people and we can’t do this alone. We need others to partner with us. Would you be willing to join us in saving marriages across the world? We need to raise $4,000 in monthly support. You can click the link HERE to give a one-time donation or become a monthly sponsor. You know our hearts so you know what ever you give will be received with gladness and deep joy! We are excited and honored to join the Westar Media Group family. We hope you will prayerfully consider joining us in this opportunity to reach many more wives.
Joyfully, Cherie