Today's Imperfect Minute

Women's Online Bible Study | Kickoff

Have you heard? We are hosting our first Women’s Online Bible Study for 2014 and you are invited to join us! Check out this video for more information! Registration is FREE to join.  We are also hosting a Fun Giveaway!! Don’t miss out!


4 Comments on “Women's Online Bible Study | Kickoff

  1. I have been pleading for something to help me see and fall in love with my husband through God’s eyes. Our marriage of 2 years is on the verge of separation due to hurts of the past and present. My husband is trying to mend these wounds for me; but I believe the holy spirit is tugging at my heart letting me know it is I with the guidance and love of God that needs to do the mending and forgiving. So it can being me closer to Him (God) and my husband. So that I can be strong in my relationship with God and my husband. As well as a great role model for our two babies. And be madly in love with my husband. I miss him and us…
    I came across your link on Facebook & the spirit placed a sense of comfort on my heart…. I know this is what I need to do. Thank you

    1. Kristie, we are so honored that God lead you to us! Starting to lift you in prayer now!! God will show Himself to you through the study. Looking forward to walking beside you through it!! <3

  2. So excited to finally be back with you guys, even if it’s only online. My Zumba seems to be all the mornings and evenings I could be in a Bible study, so I’m thrilled to be doing this and I just now found it, so I’m a little late. But just bought the book, so I’m excited about this.
    I, like Kristie have only been married for over 2 years and boy is it a lot harder than I ever realized it would be. I really need God to help me be a better wife! Unfortunately being single for 40 years made it very difficult to live with someone and focus on another human being. Boy could I use this study!! Thanks for doing this.

    1. Gigi, so excited to have you back! I have approved you in the group! You are set to go. Let us know in the study group if you need anything. Sharitza will comment with a couple of things to get you started!! Woot Woot! We love you and ready to dig right in with you!

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