Today's Imperfect Minute

Whisper in the Storm

28 Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,
and he brought them out of their distress.
29 He stilled the storm to a whisper;
the waves of the sea were hushed.
30 They were glad when it grew calm,
and he guided them to their desired haven.
31 Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
and his wonderful deeds for men.
32 Let them exalt him in the assembly of the people
and praise him in the council of the elders.  Psalms 107:28-32 (NIV)


Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast this week.

The storm was huge and, as all of you have read, heard or experienced, caused much destruction.

My family and I are in New Jersey where the coast was battered and hundreds of thousands were left without power. [We were safe and only without power for 2 days — many others are still “in the dark” and experiencing great material loss.]

Storms are lots of things but “fun” is not a word used to describe a storm!

We all go through storms though, even if you don’t live in a hurricane region.  There are tumultuous times that come to us all — trials, physical pain, the loss of loved ones, financial crises, marital problems…the list goes on.

Storms, however, can be used by God in our life to teach us and mold us into the exact person He created us to be.  The storms can alert us to sin which needs to be done away with in our lives, and the storms can teach us of the Lord’s mercy and grace.  As we come to know God in the storms, we get a glimpse of His character.  We are then able to bear the fruit of the Spirit more fully.

You see, as we learn more about God’s character by trusting Him where we have no hope, or way out [i.e., in the storms], we come to realize that God is for us and not against us.

We catch a glimpse of His unwavering faithfulness and we come to trust Him more fully.  We are then free to stand in who we are in Christ.  In Christ we can,

“. . . live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.”  Galatians 5:16 (NIV)

We will be free to bear the fruit of the Spirit. [See Galatians 5:22-23]

The storms don’t have to leave us:

bitter, rather we can bear love;

or     desperate, rather we can be joyful in troubles;

or     frantic, rather in Christ there is peace though the storm rages;

or     hardened and cynical, rather we can show kindness and goodness;

or     unfaithful, rather we can remain loyal and committed [faithfulness];

or     harsh and self-serving, rather we can put on Christ’s gentleness;

or     spinning out of control, rather we can live with self-control under the Holy Spirit’s influence.

Listen closely, wives, for the whisper in the storms.  Though the storm rages, if you are in Christ, you know the Wind Maker!

The fruit of His Spirit thrives as He refines you and re-makes you in Him image.

Don’t worry in the storms. Instead, listen for that whisper that stills the storms.


Image from Pinterest


4 Comments on “Whisper in the Storm

  1. What an important reminder for all the storms in our lives. I am reminded of something I heard from a Casting Crowns video: He will either calm the storms for us, or will walk beside us through them.

    Glad you are all ok!

    1. Yes, Kim. It is an important reminder for me, especially on those stormy days. Thanks for your comments! Blessings, Kim B.

  2. The fact He goes with us through the storm, never leaving our side is my saving hope when I am going through a storm. Sometimes He does say peace be still to the storm. But more times than not He is your life jacket, your life line and you ride through the wind and the waves. We may not always understand the storms…but on the other side their is beauty and life and change that brings about good, regardless of the pain the storm brings and has to be overcome…….there is light and rainbows on the other side…so I say hang on……to the life line. Great post.

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