Today's Imperfect Minute

While I'm Waiting

Looking back, it seems that 2011 was spent in a constant state of “hurry up and wait.”

We spent so much time waiting to hear from God on so many issues. It was quite stretching for this lover of all things under control.

“But during that year, God also spoke to me greatly about what I chose to do during those times of waiting.”

He wants us not just endure, but to live. And to live life abundantly. Even during the waiting. And while you wait for whatever God has next, I pray that your heart will learn to rest in the Lord.


3 Comments on “While I'm Waiting

  1. Love this song! So true about how we ‘wait’ on the Lord. I need to do more resting in that waiting time! Wonderful song! Just watched this movie again yesterday! lol
    Have a blessed weekend!!

  2. Love this song!! It’s the ring tone on my phone!! Such a good message in it, how we just have to wait on the Lord and trust that He is working. I am so guilty of not wanting to be patient, I want to pray and just have it answered right away, but I am learning to be still and wait on Him. Thank you for posting this, have a great day and wonderfully blessed weekend!!

  3. Ladies, I am so glad to see that this song touched you both as much as it did me! This waiting this is hard isn’t it?! 🙂

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