Today's Imperfect Minute

Where Do You Find Comfort?

I love comfort food. Anywhere. Anytime.

There is nothing like diving into a bowl of something ooey-gooey chocolatey or starchy, warm and cheesey to bring comfort to a weary soul.

That’s why this week, when some major life decisions have come looming to the forefront, all I could think about was how my grandmother’s chicken and dumplings would be all I needed to feel a bit better.

At moments all I want to do is cry, and curl up with something yummy, but don’t you know the Lord has something completely different in mind!

I’ve felt the Lord calling me to trade my “comfort food coma” for, well, no food at all.

That’s right, a fast.

Talk about crucifying the flesh.

You see, my need for wisdom, guidance and answers trumps any momentary comfort that comfort food will give me.

There are times in our walk, when God calls us to press in. To deny our flesh, to seek His face and search out the mysteries of God.

So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.  Daniel 9:3

Dying to our flesh is never easy, or else it wouldn’t be called “dying.” But I am so hungry to “live” abundantly in my spirit, that I look forward to an opportunity to die to another part of self.

How about you? Are you ready to die to self so your spirit may live abundantly? Are you needing to draw closer to God as you wait on Him, His wisdom and His provision?

Then why not join me in a time of fasting and prayer?

How do we get started?

  • Pray and ask the Lord what it is that he would like you to fast from. Maybe for some it will be food; for others it might be television, magazines, soda, chocolate, etc. {Whatever you feel led to choose, shouldn’t feel easy. We should never be able to fast in our own strength.}
  • Through prayer determine a length of time to fast. Maybe one meal, maybe an entire day, a week, or some other time frame.
  • Grab a journal and write out what you need from God. Do you need to just draw closer, are you searching for direction and guidance, are you in need of abundant, miraculous provision? Write it down.
  • Carve out a specific time of prayer in your day to lift your list up to the Lord. While we should pray without ceasing, fasting requires an even greater measure of pressing in. If you choose to fast breakfast, try to carve out the time that you would normally be eating to pray. I know that for those of us with small children, that is sometimes difficult, as our children depend on us during those times. Ask the Lord to help you to creatively set aside that time and guard it closely!
  • As you pray, fast and press in, the Lord WILL speak to you. Write down the scriptures, the words of encouragement, the words of challenge and discipline. This will allow you to see your needs and the amazingly faithful way God meets them. Hold on to this; it will allow you to rehearse God’s victories when you are in need of encouragement or need to be reminded of His faithfulness.
  • Be prepared for God to move!

Ladies, I feel the need to say it again: Be prepared for God to move! And then will you please share with us your victories, breakthrough and answers to prayer?

Celebrating in advance concerning His awesome provision,


In January of this year, Cherie and Rebecca did a radio show on fasting.  If you have questions or want a reminder on this topic, click on this link to listen now:

Image: Sura Nualpradid /


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