Breaking Strongholds

What is a stronghold?

The Apostle Paul explains it this way in 2 Corinthians 10:5,

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”  {KJV}

Every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God is a Stronghold!

It’s anything that exalts itself to be bigger or more powerful than our God. For example, my daughters seizures and the cerebral palsy. For years, both have seemed so much bigger to me than God. I’m just being honest with you.  I could not move forward in my Faith that God would heal her because in my mind, her disabilities were bigger/more powerful than God to me!

This stronghold stole my focus and overpowered me. It disabled my faith!

“I have battled for years not knowing  that I was dealing with a stronghold!”

A stronghold can cause you to:

  • be addicted to food
  • withhold forgiveness from someone who has hurt you
  • be fearful of stepping out in faith to achieve a goal or dream
  • be held by fear by the thought that something “could be” but has yet to happen

Every stronghold is designed to strangle us -To keep us from walking in the Faith that God is in control of all things and can do all things!

Is there a thought in your mind that tells you your situation is bigger than God? What is consuming your emotional and mental energy? If the only thing it produces is fear and negativity, you are most likely  abound by a stronghold.

Would you like to know more concerning strongholds? What they are? How to recognize them? And how to break them? Follow the link over to our website Imperfect Wives Club to learn more including, 13 different strongholds and how each one affects you and your relationships.

Praying for all of us!!

Cherie ♥