Welcome to the Imperfect Wives Leadership Blog. We are so thrilled that you have join our growing team. Marriages in your community will be impacted by your story and willingness to lead women.
We’d like to get to know you and for you to get to know us. We will connect with you soon for a meeting on Hangout. We will also get you added to our private group on Facebook as well.
Make sure to subscribe to this blog. The subscribe box is to the right on the side bar. By subscribing you will receive a blog post with important information for you as an Imperfect Wives local leader as well as announcements of new studies coming out, links to our weekly Imperfect Wives LIVE show, training times and venues and more.
To get you started please click on the download below. This is your “Welcome” packet for new leaders.
The welcome packet includes the following:
Welcome Document | download here
Format For Local Group Meetings | download here
Imperfect Wives Covenant Agreement |download here