Today's Imperfect Minute

Unconditional Surrender

As we celebrate Memorial Day, our attention turns to the heroes of our nation who have served in the armed forces, especially those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We are so very grateful!

As believers, we must remember every single day to remember the ultimate Hero who sacrificed His life for our eternal freedom:  Jesus Christ.

The statue shown above, entitled “Unconditional Surrender,” was inspired by the famous photo taken in August 1945 as our nation celebrated the news of Japan’s surrender in World War II.

It stirs many emotions including joy, hope, relief, excitement, anticipation, and love.

{In case you didn’t know, these two people were complete strangers at the time of that kiss. They were simply on the street in New York City when the news was announced and were overtaken by the euphoria of the moment. They never went on to develop a relationship.}

In the language of human warfare, “unconditional surrender is a surrender without conditions, in which no guarantees are given to the surrendering party.” (from Wikipedia)

The good news is that in God’s economy, unconditional surrender to Jesus comes with many promises! Peace, love, joy, hope, eternal life…and more.

The privileges associated with unconditional surrender to Jesus were purchased with His blood, shed on the cross for us.  The warfare Jesus successfully waged was not against us, but instead was

“against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12

As we begin our series on submission at The Imperfect Wives, we must first make sure that we are unconditionally surrendered to Jesus.  We cannot hold anything back from Him.  We simply must give Him all of us, spirit, soul (mind, will and emotions) and body!

Part of that unconditional surrender to Jesus includes submission to other believers and to your husband, as Paul says in Ephesians 5:21-22,

 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. “

Today, pray with us that your surrender to Jesus would be complete, unconditional, and filled with the joy of being His.  That is our prayer for ourselves and for you as we begin our look at biblical submission.

With love,


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