Today's Imperfect Minute

True Love Tuesday

A few nights ago, I was speaking with a dear friend of mine about husbands, marriage, and our responsibilities as wives.

The Lord had something for us in that conversation.   It was profound for me in the moment and I wanted to share it (in a slightly edited version here) with you.
Since God thought enough of my husband, Robert, to send Jesus, the very best that He had to send, what should my response be to that man of mine?  
God’s love is extravagant.  He gave all that He had for each one of us, including our husbands.
Even when you feel frustrated with him.
Even when he hasn’t accepted the gift of eternal life.
Even when it seems that nothing will ever change.
I believe that God is calling each of us to love our husbands with that kind of extravagant, lavish love.

Ask the Lord to reveal this to you on a deeper level. 
Love one another.  (Including your husband!)
As I have loved you.  (Love your husband like God loves YOU…He would have sent Jesus to die for your sins even if you were the only person on the earth!  That’s quite an overwhelming thought, isn’t it?)
Dear friends, when I hold my actions up against these verses, I can’t say that I measure up perfectly.
I’m certain that there are times when my expressions of love for Robert wouldn’t be classified as extravagant or lavish.  
But just because I haven’t attained that standard doesn’t mean that I don’t keep trying.
Jesus gave His life for Robert.  I’m so glad He did.
Am I willing to give my life so completely to God that I will obey this command to love Robert as God has loved me?  
Without holding anything back.
That’s the kind of love that can change a heart.  
And someone’s whole world. 
That’s true love.
Are you willing to give your life that completely to God and obey this command to love your husband as God has loved you?
Pray this with me:
Daddy, I ask you to give me Your love for my husband. Help me to fulfill Your command to love him as You have loved me.  I desire to exhibit Your unconditional, unfailing love for my husband so that he will know more deeply how much You love him.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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