Today's Imperfect Minute

True Love Tuesday

I’ve taken Kim’s suggestion and I’ve begun looking at marriage books this summer.

As you might imagine, Robert and I have quite a few in our library. (Maybe you do, too.)

At one point or another, I’ve read most of them and gleaned a few things.

Some days I think I’ve really learned a lot and that I’m doing a pretty good job.

Other days, not so much…and I’m often caught off-guard and disappointed by that realization.

The good news is that God’s grace is enough for me. It’s enough for you, too.

To those who through the righteousness
of our God
and Savior Jesus Christ have received
a faith as precious as ours:
Grace and peace be yours in abundance
through the knowledge of God
and of Jesus our Lord.
His divine power has given us
everything we need
for life and godliness
through the knowledge of him
who called us by his own glory and goodness.
2 Peter 1:1-3, NIV

Here’s a great example of God’s grace in my life:

One of the books I picked off of our shelves is Sex Begins in the Kitchen by Dr. Kevin Leman.

Something kind of cool happened when I started flipping through the book looking for a good place to jump in. {I used to read books from beginning to end, no questions asked…as I have more demands on my time these days, I have begun listening to the Holy Spirit to guide me to where I need to start.}

I found the answer to a problem I’ve been having.

I am a curious girl…always with lots of questions, with “Why?” being one of my favorites. Just chalk it up to wanting to know everything about everything, a trait I inherited from my dad. And normally, that curiosity is a great thing.

But, according to Dr. Leman, “Why?” is a question I should never ask.

To sum it up, this one little question…

…causes feelings of resistance and defensiveness…

…can immediately end conversation…

…puts the asker into a judgmental or superior position…

…has the unintended consequence of being an intrusion into your spouse’s thoughts and feelings.

Oh, no. Talk about doing the wrong thing!

But then…

Oh, yes! {Do you hear the angelic choir singing “Hallelujah?”}

The answer I’ve been needing. The right word at the right time.

Dr. Leman assures me that I probably already know the answers to all of the “why” questions I have for Robert because I know him so well.

That’s more good news!

Can you picture a big “why” with a red circle around it and a line drawn through it? I think I’ll put one up on my bathroom mirror as a reminder!

Grateful for God’s grace and power for all of us,



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