Today's Imperfect Minute

True Love Tuesday

I’ve been thinking about why I am so interested in ministry to women, especially to married women.

There are a few very obvious answers:
1. I’m a woman.
2. I’m married.
3. Those are the opportunities that God keeps presenting to me.
All of those are true and valid. But they’re easy answers.
They barely scratch the surface; there’s more.
Maybe because I’m crazy in love with my husband?
Maybe because marriages are in trouble (Have you looked at the divorce statistics lately?) and I can hardly stand to see people hurting?
Or because children of broken marriages have so many more challenges than children of couples who stay together?
Maybe because marriage, for most people, is the primary adult human relationship?
Or that marriage is intended to reflect the relationship between Christ and the church?
My guess is that the real answer is some combination of all of the above.
And this: the first relationship that God created was husband and wife. Adam and Eve.
And from the beginning, we humans, we’ve messed this up.
And I like a challenge.
I want my marriage to be different. Distinct. Reflective of God’s glory and best for His kids.
And then I want to be used as a tour guide. I have a burning desire to point others in the right direction. I want to be able to show other women how to (hopefully) avoid the same mistakes I’ve made or, at the very least, trust God to redeem, heal, and deliver their marriage from the the trials, temptations, and attacks.
We all face some variation of the same challenges. The human condition is common to us all.
Because we know that we’re all struggling with the same difficulties, it’s great to have some help along the way.
That help comes in the form of some pretty terrific women…you Imperfect Wives.
As we gather together to encourage each other to be the wives God has created us to be, I am delighted to see Proverbs 27:17 exemplified daily:
Thank you for sharing this journey with all of us. For sharpening us. For encouraging us. For choosing to make your marriage different and reflective of God’s glory.


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