Today's Imperfect Minute

True Love Tuesday

What You Talkin’ ‘Bout, Women?

Our words have power and influence.

We can build up or tear down.

We can encourage or discourage.

We can line up with God’s Word or not.

We can be focused and purposeful or double-minded.

It really is a choice.

What do you say about your husband?

Are your word choices building up, encouraging, focused, purposeful, and in line with God’s Word?

Do the words you say to him match the words you say about him to yourself or your friends?

Recently I have been confronted with the inconsistency of my words concerning Robert.

Mostly, I say good things. Encouraging things. God things.

And then…

I don’t.

My imperfectness starts to show.

I get caught off guard and say things that I wouldn’t normally choose to say.

Before I know it the damage is done and all the good I’ve done seems to evaporate in the blink of an eye.

In those moments, despair, hopelessness, and frustration begin to set in.

I am tempted to believe the lie that my efforts are futile…in vain.

But that’s all it is: a lie.

Then I have a decision to make. Am I going to humble myself and apologize for those words or am I going to defend my words and insist that I’m right?

Humility. Repentance. Moving to work with the Lord to clean up the mess I’ve made.

I need to focus on what James 2:8 says,

If you really fulfill the royal law according
to Scripture,
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself,”
you are doing well.”

James goes on to say that “mercy triumphs over judgment.

How I long for mercy. I don’t just want it, I need it.

And then I need to let God’s mercy flow through me.

So that I can have victory. And so can Robert.

A familiar lesson on a new, deeper level.

Love to you all,

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