Today's Imperfect Minute

True Love Tuesday

All you need is love.

The Beatles’ song was playing somewhere and it got stuck in my brain.

It’s simple, catchy, and almost true.

As I was singing the words, I heard the Holy Spirit adapt the lyrics just a little…

All you need is love. All you need is love. All you need is God’s love. God’s love is all you need.

1 John 3:16 says it so well:

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.

Because of what Jesus did, we know what love is and that God’s love is what we need.

And because of the love that we have received, we ought to lay down our life for our husband, our closest “brother.”

Without God’s love, we are dead in our own sin. Without God’s love, we have no hope.

With His love, we have eternal life. With God’s love we have hope and truth and peace.

We need to share His love with the world around us. And it needs to start at home.

This is Holy Week. The week leading up to Resurrection Day. It’s the perfect time to focus intently on what Jesus did when He went to the cross.

Let’s pray.

Daddy, we come to you in Jesus’ Name. Thank you for showing us what love is. As we meditate this week on what Jesus did for us on the cross, make it a reality in our thinking. Help us to do what we ought: lay down our lives for our brothers, especially the husband You have given each of us. Please show us how to lay down our lives in ways that honor You and express our love and Yours for those around us. We thank You for it and believe that we receive it when we pray. Amen.

With joy,

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