Today's Imperfect Minute

True Love Tuesday

What are your priorities?

What or who has the first place in your heart?

If someone had to judge by your thoughts, decisions, speech, and actions, what would they discover?



Housework. (I know…not that you really want it to be a priority!)




Church involvement.



There are so many things vying for our time and attention. Some call to us more loudly and insistently than others.

Often we don’t realize our priorities are out of order until something goes wrong.

The Word of God is clear:

Then your neighbor.

I think you know where I’m going.

Your husband is your closest neighbor.

True Love.

Getting that part right, truly loving God, makes the second part so much easier.

And putting your husband second, right after God, makes everything else easier, too.

Trust me. I could write a book about that.

I’ve put many things ahead of my husband…and I’ve had to learn that lesson over and over again.

In fact, I’m learning it AGAIN right now.

One thing I’ve figured out is that my opinion isn’t the one that matters.

God’s opinion, ultimately, is the one that counts.

And my husband’s.

If what I do doesn’t speak loud & clear to my husband’s heart that he is the most important person in my life, then I’ve got to adjust my behavior to make sure he “gets it.”

Maybe you want to argue with me.

Here’s a little food for thought: don’t you want your husband’s efforts to love you speak to your heart?

I do.

So…I make adjustments. I tweak. I listen to feedback.

And I pray.

Because mostly, I just want Robert to feel loved.

By God.

And me.

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