Today's Imperfect Minute

True Love Tuesday

Help us welcome one of our own Imperfect Wives Kela Nellums as our guest post today!


Who would be audacious enough to boast of perfection in any area of life, let alone in the area of being a wife?

You’re dealing with the one person on this earth that has the most intimate spot in your heart…your husband! I’d even venture to say that your husband is the one who knows most of your imperfections.

No one will catch me beating myself up over imperfections. What good would that do? The best thing is to learn and re-adjust. The re-adjustment time could be ugly, but it makes for beauty in the end.

I have self-inflicted imperfections. Top of the list is idleness. Okay…I give it its true name: Laziness. There. I said it!

This irks my husband to the max. I know, because he’s told me so (lovingly…even though it hurt my feelings…or more like my pride). I’ve gotten better. Much better.

My Proverbs 31 theme verse is grand ole number 27, the family manager: “She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.”

I try. Lord knows I do. Besides, I am a stay at home mom.

Then I start trying to excuse the laziness away with, “If only all of these kids would be neat!” or “If I didn’t have to wash clothes for 8 people everyday.” (Otherwise I’d be run over with laundry) or “If only they were in school.” (Yep, home school family). Even though I say that last statement (to myself), I don’t REALLY mean it!

This is all selfish of me and I pull myself aside and give myself a talkin’ to. I may not have signed up for all of it, but what I did sign up for, I must be diligent in working on as unto the Lord, not for men, according to Colossians 3:23-24.

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.”

If you peeked into my home office and saw my bookcase, you’d see several books about making home a haven, more organized or just clean. I’ve gotten as far as thumbing through the pages. Those books (and all the others) are collecting dust but only because we truly do have a dusty house. I have proof.

Girlfriend, be real. Be open about the junk and clutter. I know! I’ve said, “Excuse the mess,” when company has popped over, knowing full well that that’s the norm. Who am I foolin’?

I’ve had to learn to eat the elephant one bite at a time. Just do the next thing. If I look at the whole of a project, I get overwhelmed and just don’t start. Start with one bite..or even a nibble.

I try to have three things done when hubby comes home in the evening:

A clean family room, a cleared kitchen table and a pitcher of sweet tea ready.

If you’re overwhelmed, maybe you can write yourself this note:

Do the next thing.

Be abundantly blessed,


About the Author: Kella has been her Daddy’s (Adda Father) girl for only a handful of years. She still has a crush on her husband Brian for 16 years. They are a home school family with six vibrant and fun loving children. A “coffee snob” is how she describes herself when it comes to coffee. Her passion is pursuing excellence in all areas of her life. She enjoys singing, blogging/writing, cultivating friendships and learning new computer skills. You can find her at her blog: Pursuing What is Excellent and as a contributor at A Martha Heart.

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