Today's Imperfect Minute

Thought for Today!

“You women who are so complacent, rise up and listen to me; you daughters who feel secure, hear what I have to say!” Isaiah 32:9

Read the whole chapter of Isaiah giving special attention to verses 9-12.

What you are asking God to do in your marriage isn’t going to happen if you are sitting at ease in your situation. We need to be troubled about what is happening to our husbands and around them. We can’t sit complacent and leave the rest to God!!

Rise up, wake up, come out of your ease Daughters of Gods Glory. We are called to a higher calling than just cleaning our homes, doing the laundry, getting our kids back and forth.

We are called to rise up and walk out our prayers for our husband, our marriage (and every other area that concerns us). Become the WALL that stands against every plan satan has set forth against your marriage. Perseverance in prayer can overcome every obsticale that stands in your way. Don’t give up now!

Keep Knocking! Keep Believing! Keep Praying! Keep Reaching!!

We’re praying for you,

Cherie ♥

3 Comments on “Thought for Today!

  1. Your welcome Alison! This one almost burst out of me. I had to write it down!! So great to hear from you.

    Hope your having a great weekend!


  2. Thank you…in the midst of our current storm…this DOES help. God is faithful and how I weather the storm and how I support my husband through the storm will make all the difference. I might comment again later, after I have had time to digest what it written…LOL. Read it before coffee and admist children on spring break playing like they were in school…(giggle).

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