I am the proud mama of 4 small children, three of whom are beautiful girls, who I hope one day will also be proud mamas.

As a mom of young children, I find myself in a season that needs to be wholeheartedly embraced to find true joy.

It is a season that is almost entirely devoted to the happenings inside our household. There is school to be taught. Correction to be given. Training to be had. Hugs to be shared. Heartstrings to be tied.

A beautiful life that is honestly, well, consuming.

I was recently asked about what ministries I am currently a part of.

Mmm. Total silence.

Ministry? Huh. Does nursery duty count?

Wow. I had nothing. And at first was quite embarrassed. What in the world am I doing to further the kingdom, I chastised myself.

And then it hit me. I am in the biggest mission field of my life:


Three of my precious brood have accepted Jesus as their Savior. The fourth doesn’t say much more than “yeah, mama, bye & dada” so she’s still a work in progress.

They are my life. My all-consuming life.

It is a realization and truth I take very seriously.

And this scripture only compounds the truth I feel:

” . . . teach the older women to be reverent in the way they life, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.” Titus 2:3-5

In a time where we ladies hate to admit our age, I can’t deny that I am the older woman mentioned here. While it is my job to train all my children, including my one precious son; I am specifically called to intently train the younger women.

That doesn’t necessarily mean a class, or bible study, or life group. It is my heart’s desire to live a life of training the three younger women in my own household.

By my actions, my reactions, the objects of my affection, my words or lack there of, I am training my children.

Lord, please help us to embrace the season you have us in as mothers. Help us to understand the awesome responsibility you have called us to. But that you have also called us to accomplish this leaning on your wisdom & guidance, not our own. As Hannah committed Samuel to you, Lord we commit our own children to you Father, asking that as we have the privilege of raising them, they will see You rather than us, with all of our faults and failings.

Wishing you a Happy Mothers Day,
