Today's Imperfect Minute

The Power of Meditating on Gods Word

The Lord is revealing Himself to us in intense, glorious ways, just as He did for Moses in the burning bush.

When God comes blazing on the scene, things happen and circumstances change. Ordinary things become extraordinary and the unholy is made Holy!

Our prayer for you is that you will meet face to face with the power of our almighty God. May His word consume you with the fire that He used to consume the burning bush, setting you ablaze!

Grab your Bibles and favorite hot/cold drink and join Cherie and Rebecca for this study on “The Power of Meditating on Gods Word.”  ♥

Once you have listened to the show, why not take our challenge with us!

Meditate on God’s Word this week.

Pick a verse or two of scripture and meditate on it and listen to the Lord’s voice. Or sit somewhere you can see the beauty of God’s creation and focus on that. Or zero in on a situation where you sense that God is doing something in your life and listen to what He is saying about that circumstance. Try it for five minutes a day every day this week. Do nothing but be still in the presence of the Lord and see how it brings peace and settles your soul.

Share your thoughts with us and comment here. We know that as we meditate on Gods Word, He will reveal Himself to us! As we share, others will relate to us and find their way to God as well!


Cherie & Rebecca


One comment on “The Power of Meditating on Gods Word

  1. Such a great study today, ladies! Thank you for joining us. You are what make this so much for us!! We look forward to you taking this weeks challenge and sharing your thoughts with us.

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