Wednesday was Charlie’s and my 9 year wedding anniversary.
Can I just tell you what an incredibly romantic evening it was? Let me share:
Since we were still unpacking, the only prerequisite to dinner was that it was edible.
We enjoyed a family screening of The Doodlebops. If you haven’t seen this lively kids show, you are really missing out! “Just get on the bus, don’t you know?”
After babies were bathed and in bed, I finally prepared for a nice quiet, romantic evening. As I finally emerged from the shower, I found my precious, but exhausted, husband sound asleep.
As I drifted off to sleep, I thanked the Lord for the amazing husband I have, how incredibly blessed I am, and truly what a terrific anniversary I had.
Some of you are probably re-reading my recap of the evening’s events and wondering exactly what part of the night was so amazing.
It is the daily decision to celebrate the little things, like when said exhausted husband is willing to prepare the baby for bed so I can finish in the kitchen. Or when said wife overcooks the pork chops. Again. And darling husband chooses to just be thankful dinner was served that evening.
I encourage you this week to see the little things in your own marriage. If you can’t find them, then ask the Lord to help you have eyes to see and ears to hear so that you, too, may rejoice in those little things that truly make up a marriage.