“Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” Proverbs 24: 3-4

How often do we respond to our husbands in a way that is not pleasing to them or God?

I love how Stormie Omartian said in The Power of A Praying Wife (Harvest House, 1995) , “Shut up and Pray!” Did that get your attention? It did mine!

This is where wisdom comes in. Knowing the time to speak and the time to shut up and pray.

Wisdom Delivers Us From Ourselves!

I learned early in my marriage that wisdom was something I lacked greatly.  Although, if you would have asked me then, I’m sure I would have so denied this.  As I read my Bible I realized I was not building my home with the words of love and encouragement. Instead, I chose to point out Bill’s wrongs–not just to God, but to everyone around me.

My house was crumbling because I lacked wisdom.  Proverbs teaches us that wisdom brings knowledge and builds a strong house. Has it occurred to you yet that YOU are the house  Solomon is talking about?

Wisdom Delivers Us From Evil.

Anything that tears our husbands down from our mouths is evil and wisdom can not be found {flashing back to Verbal Vomit here}. But with Wisdom our words will be gentle and have the impact we are hoping for.  Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger!”

Please be encouraged. We are not perfect!

The good news is God knows.

Wisdom Tells Us To Read God’s Word!

Take the time to read Proverbs 1-3 and highlight the treasures God highlights for you. Hide these in your heart {the rooms of your house}.   God’s Word is the very weapon we need to fight our untamed tongue.

Wisdom Searches The Heart For Evil!

We have so much evil {sin}  lurking in our hearts.  As we gain wisdom, it searches out the evil and works to cleanse our hearts. Let’s be honest with ourselves. We Fail! There is no way around it as long as we live in this earthly body.

When you do, stop kicking yourself .  Instead, repent. Stand back up. Brush yourself off.  SMILE. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

Wisdom! What a beautiful gift to give this Christmas season.

{Daddy, thank you for your promises to us. A good woman out of the good treasures in her heart brings forth many good things, but a evil woman brings forth evil things from her evil treasures. This Christmas season we choose to give the gift of wisdom from our changed hearts. Father, perfect in us understanding and wisdom that we may promote health in our marriages. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. }  Matt 12:35, Proverbs 12:18



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