Today's Imperfect Minute

That the word of God may not be reviled

I’ve been very excited about the series I’m currently teaching in our local Imperfect Wives Club: Are you your husband’s crown or a thorn in his flesh?

We’ve covered Ephesians 5:22-33 and Titus 2:3-5 and will be dissecting Proverbs 31:10-31 over the next couple of weeks.

We’ve had amazing conversations on our callings as wives, our attitudes, mothering and submission to our husbands.

I’ve become very passionate about the submission topic, as we discussed equally what it should and should not look like.

This past week our local Christian radio station had their afternoon radio show hosts do a segment on submission.

And what I heard grieved, shocked and infuriated me.

A woman wrote in asking for advice, but I am genuinely praying she will flee far from the advice given to her.

The cliff-notes version of her letter reads as follows: My husband wants to change churches for the 5th time in 5 years. Do I follow him?

She was advised to put her foot down, these are her husbands issues, she will be following her husband down a crazy path . . . all words spoken to this woman by her sister-in-Christ, the female DJ.

I listened as others would call in, offering God’s word, encouraging this wife to honor God and her husband and seemingly offering hope.

All the while the DJ continued in her rant about the craziness of this woman’s husband.

I couldn’t listen any more. I turned off the radio, turned to my husband and began my own rant.

This woman, this precious sister, she needs help. She turned to Christians for help and the advice given to her was no different than the world’s. Not one.single.bit.

During my rant to my husband {which he patiently listened to and then gently said, “you do know I didn’t do this right?} it became so clear to me that even the message of the church has become so politically correct, that we fail to teach truth. Truth that will set wives, husband and marriages free.

So putting all the terrible advice aside, what does God word say to this woman?

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.Titus 2:4-5  {emphasis mine}

While it may not be wrapped in some a pretty little politically correct package, we cannot argue God’s word. Even if that means that it isn’t embraced by members of the body. God clearly tells us that we cause his Word to be reviled, blasphemed, looked down upon, when we choose to dis-honor our husbands.

I think about the times I want my way, or ashamedly even demand my way, not honoring my husband’s decision. But it grieves me to think that I’m also bringing dis-honor to God and His word.

Ladies, can I encourage you that for those of you who struggle with submission, like so many of us do, will you begin to look at it in this light. That your heart’s desire will be to honor God’s word, therefore desiring to honor your husband? That the fear of blaspheming God’s word will be greater than your fear of your husbands decision?mTake your fears to the Lord and allow Him to replace them with peace, as He blesses you for honoring your husband and His Word.

Standing in submission,


image via Pinterest

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