Today's Imperfect Minute

That His Love May Abound

Prayer is powerful.

In prayer, we have the option of communicating with the God of the universe.

I say option, because, well let’s face it, sometimes our prayers are one-sided.  Not much communicating with another person – let alone a holy God.

Too many times our prayers are simply fast cries for help with no regard for who we are talking to.

What I mean, ladies, is that our prayers are self-focused and sometimes very petty.

We ask God to change this person or that person for our own benefit.

Now we may not say it is for our benefit but, sometimes, if we look deep into our hearts and our honest with ourselves, we are motivated by selfish actions.

As Imperfect Wives we can fall into this trap and not even be aware.

Tomorrow, we get to participate in a fast with the purpose of praying for our husbands.

Praying for them, not about them or about our relationship with them.

Praying with no other motives other than their well-being and God’s hand to be upon their life.

Challenging?  I think so.

My husband has been traveling with his job in the military over the last 5 weeks.  I have been challenged to pray for him in his absence.  Many of my prayers for him have been from the Scriptures.  Praying God’s Word on his behalf.  One Scripture that I have come across in the last week for my husband has been from the book of Philippians.  Philippians 1:9-11 says,

9 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. [emphasis mine]

A beautiful set of verses to pray for my husband.  Paul prayed it for his dear friends in Philippi; I am praying it for my best friend!

God is delighted to hear us as we are laying down our desires for our husbands and asking for Christ to fulfill His desires in our husbands.

I am chastised by God’s Spirit if any selfish desire be brought into my prayers for my husband.

Now obviously God knows we desire what is best for our husbands; but what is best for them may not be what we perceive to be best for them in a given area.  In fact, the change we so desperately desire and pray for in our husbands may really be a work that God wants to do in our lives.

I am humbled before Him in my selfishness.  Yet, His love abounds.

Humility is what God desires.  A broken and contrite heart He will not despise.

Bow before your Creator God and lift up your voice for your husband tomorrow.

Humbly listen to His Word to you and pray His Word for your husband.

Challenged to be more “self-less” and more filled with His Spirit,


photo courtesy of pinterest via Logomography

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