Today's Imperfect Minute

Televenge by Pamela King Cable: A Review

TelevengeCover2Televenge. To me, this word seems a mash-up of televangelist and revenge. I don’t know if that is what Pamela King Cable had in mind when she gave her novel this title, but I think it’s perfect!

I don’t want to give you the run-of-the-mill book review here…you can search those out on Amazon and other places on the internet if you’d like. Instead, I’d rather tell you about my experience with this unique novel and its amazing author.

(Just to give you a bit of background on me as a reader, as a girl, I read under the covers with a flashlight late at night, in the bathtub, when I should have been doing homework. As an adult, I read a lot of Christian “inspirational” books and a little bit of Christian fiction, but I try not to start anything that looks too good when I’ve got important work to do because I can be a bit obsessive about finishing a great book.)

Pamela first came to my attention about eight months ago when she joined us on The Imperfect Wives Club  on Facebook.  Each time she posted or commented, I felt drawn to her. I soon discovered that she is an author and that her first novel, Televenge, was to be released in October 2012.

I felt the Lord prompting me to purchase the book and read it, so I bought it within two weeks of its initial release. From the excellent reviews, I was really excited to read it.

Televenge is a perfect blend of mystery, suspense, romance, Christian fiction, chick-lit, and theology study. In the manner of C.S. Lewis, Pamela uses a page-turning story to communicate vital spiritual truths to her readers.

I devoured this book in three days and came away impacted. Pamela drew me into the story, made me love (or despise) the characters and really care about what happened to them. I rooted for Andie and wanted to see justice for those who misrepresented the name of Jesus. The plot twists and turns caught me off-guard.

I was so impressed by this book that I reached out to Pam to tell her. Since then, Pam and I have spoken on the phone several times and I’m pleased to call her my friend.Pamr

For us imperfect wives, Pam covers multiple themes in marriage: immaturity, alcohol abuse, pornography, mental health issues, spousal abuse, and the pain of the reality of marriage that isn’t truly Christ-centered.

Pam’s writing captures the pain of sin. And yet…she doesn’t leave her readers feeling discouraged or hopeless.

Pam contrasts sin in the church with congregations that are honestly and authentically serving Christ. In fact, the entire book is a series of contrasts between good and evil, dark and light.  As her characters face almost impossible situations, they see God’s faithfulness even when it takes longer than they (or the reader) might like. But isn’t that what happens in real life? Imperfect people make less-than-ideal choices and God is faithful anyway.

In the end, I walked away reminded of the importance of knowing God personally and intimately and the principle that it isn’t enough to rely on someone else to teach you—you must know God’s Word for yourself and have the courage to stand up for what is right.

This novel would make a great read for a book club or a group of women who would like to use it as a springboard to deep theological and spiritual conversations about real-life issues that women face.

Pam is going to be our guest on Imperfect Wives Radio tomorrow, Tuesday, February 19 at 10 am EST/7 am PST. You can join us live or archived at Imperfect Wives Radio, A Compassionate Heart: Interview with Pamela King Cable. Join us as we talk about her novel and so much more, including the importance of having a compassionate heart!

♥ Rebecca

photos used with permission and courtesy of Pamela King Cable

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