Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14) As Father’s Day slowly approaches this month, there’s so much that can be said about the Father figure. Strong, steady, courageous, and determined. I wonder how we talk of our man to our children. Do we belittle him or do we lift him up? I want to encourage you to speak well of your husband to your children. Our words can either make it or break it with our children sometimes, especially concerning…
There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health. (Proverbs 12:18) As wives, we have such a big influence on our men. They listen to us intently and watch our actions towards them. It’s such a privilege to be able to encourage my husband and to build him up. Sometimes, I forget to do that. I get aggravated or just plain busy with holding down the fort that I don’t lift him up with my words. I’m not tearing him down, but I’m not verbally telling him what a blessing…
It’s not always easy to wage war when the battle is hot. It’s truly tiresome, feels relentless, and sometimes we just want to give up. Crossroads will appear in our marriage at some point; either to continue the course or travel elsewhere. So, what direction will your turn? Satan’s voice is calling you to look at the imperfections of your spouse, the mounting difficulties, and rely upon your feelings of being overwhelmed. Yet, God’s never faced a battle. He can’t win! God’s looking at your life and circumstances with a different view. So, how do see through God’s perspective?…
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:2) This world wants us to believe it has so much to offer us. New cars, beautiful bodies, and sparkly jewelry. It’s not hard to get caught up in trying to keep up with the Jones’, as the old saying goes. There are so many things thrown our way that will take our attention away from our Savior and God. If we aren’t careful we can easily be distracted and begin to seek worldly things more than Jesus. Paul was writing to the Colossians about setting their…
As I sit here tonight, I admit my heart is excited, worried, fearful, and ready for a new chapter in our lives. In my current private time with the Lord, I have been praying for God’s perfect will. It’s not wrong to pray for God’s will; it should be our heart’s cry. There is no greater place to be in the perfect will of God; it’s peaceful, secure, and exciting. Why is my heart so filled with different emotions? Well, my husband is being laid-off after thirteen years of being a Maintenance Supervisor. It wasn’t a welcoming surprise when I…