Imperfect Wives


Submission Is Love

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. (1 Peter 3:1-2)

Submission is a word that not many like to hear no matter the relationship or situation it pertains too. It’s often used in the Bible though and is connected with marriage.

Submission is when YOU are willing to follow someone or be willing to deny ourselves for the good of others. That is not easy and never has been. It takes a lot of the Holy Spirit to help us submit to God and may be even more to submit to our husbands.

There have been times where I have been more submissive to my man and times where I haven’t been as much as I should have been. Thankfully, he extends forgiveness to me. At times it’s easier for me to submit to him, but I should subject myself to my husband’s authority even when I don’t feel like it. All wives are told to do so. That doesn’t mean we’re a doormat, but that we respect and heed to his opinion and decisions. I ask what he thinks about matters that are small and big. It may seem silly, but it’s so important.

I should show my husband love by doing what he asks or refraining when he asks. He is the head of the home and needs my respect. When you think about it, if we’re used to submitting to God’s authority, it can help pave the way for submitting to our husbands. If you’re husband isn’t a believer, pray for him fervently. Speak to him with love and honor his decisions the best you can as long as they don’t go against God’s commands. Your example to him could spark his interest in whom you serve.

Because when we submit to our husbands, we’re submitting to the Lord.

Lord, we thank You for our husbands. Help us to respect them and to submit to them as You desire. Thank You for authority and for the position our husbands hold in our marriage. Empower them with Your Holy Spirit to follow Your lead and lead us well. Give us the strength to submit and to follow them. Help us to see them through your eyes and to pray constantly for them in this sin sick world. Thank You for Your Word and Your authority. May we be drawn closer to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Building strong marriages together, 

Heather Strickland

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