Today's Imperfect Minute


4-18-2014 9-27-28 AMI’ve always considered myself a pretty strong woman.  I grew up on a farm in Ohio, and hard work and chores were a part of my everyday life.  My parents taught me the importance of self-reliance, and determination when obtaining your goals.

So, it’s always been hard for me to admit that I need help with something; whether it is a physical obstacle or a mental one, my mantra has been “I can do it!”  Even now as a Believer, when a trial comes my way, I want to take care of it myself; that I don’t need the Lord to help me, but honestly, I’ve come to realize that sort of thinking sells Him short!

Does the Word not say……… 

“Lord, the God of Israel, there is no God like you

in heaven above or on earth below—you who keep your

covenant of love with your servants who continue

wholeheartedly in your way.” (1 Kings 8:23)

A covenant is a binding contract between two individuals in which each one pledges their life to the other.  Hmmm…….didn’t our Savior do that for us when He shed His blood on the Cross for us?  Remember it was our sins that ripped and tore and crushed Him, He took the punishment that was meant for us in order to make us whole.  When we hand our troubles of life (marriage, work, and children) over to Him, we have the opportunity to testify to the mercy and glory of our Savior.  You are the covenant daughter of the Almighty. He pledged Himself and ALL His resources to you….including His Son. 

I have one departing thought for you to ponder on…….

When we face the day knowing that Jesus Christ, our Resurrected Savior is with us, and we CLOTHE ourselves with Him, even at our weakest hour, HIS strength can, and will sustain you.  Not because of anything you did or who you are, but because of what He’s already done for you and WHO HE IS!

Let’s take a moment to pray!


During this Holy Week, help me to remember that You are all the strength that I need.  That You sent Your Son to take my sins, even when I don’t deserve it; that You still hold true to the covenant you made from the early days of humanity; that I don’t need to face trials on my own that you uphold me and will sustain me and those I love.

In Your Son’s Precious, Holy name Amen

Building strong marriages together,

Amanda Hughes


The following are a few verses to further encourage you:

 Romans 8:31-39

Philippians 4:13

Romans 8:14

Isaiah 53:4-6

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