Today's Imperfect Minute


Be StillWhen we can’t lift our heads; we need to raise our voice in praise and worship.  Perspective is truly all that’s needed to change our attitudes; it’s flowing from a choice we believe.  As the holidays approach so many people feel alone either due to their family unable to visit or maybe it’s the first season without their loved ones.Or maybe it’s the regrets of what should have been said or not said that’s eating at your heart.

What are your memories of the holidays of the past?  Are they fond memories to remember or does the heart grow faint?

As the old saying, “Life isn’t a bowl full of cherries!”  Nevertheless, a bowl holds what is placed inside for all to view.  So, what’s in the “bowl” or center of your heart? Jesus said, “From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.  If we truly want to see into the heart of others; we need to carefully listen to what they speak.  Our words will testify to what we truly believe and reveal who we are.

Our words can uplift our spirits or they can tear us down.  What’s playing in your mind?  It’s so vital to “test” the words we are speaking to ourselves with God’s word.

It isn’t always easy to have a thankful spirit but it’s one we can’t afford to live without.  Seasons of life do change; nothing is constant except God’s love and His Word.  God’s love doesn’t change towards us; nothing can separate us from it.

No matter where you are or what you have done-GOD LOVES YOU!

It’s a simple truth of the Word of God but once it penetrates the darkness of your heart; life will shine.  Life can be filled with love, joy, and peace but it comes the fruit of the Spirit.  It comes from a heart transformed by the very first fruit-love.  When we are secure in our hearts with the love of God; we mature in the other fruits of the Spirit.  It’s just a natural process as apples coming from an apple tree.  It can’t produce anything else.  Yet, the apple tree can’t start without a seed; it has to be firmly planted in the dirt to begin.

If you are unsure how to begin with a thankful heart; it starts by what you are feeding it.  Open the Word of God to feed your soul with mercy, love, grace, and eventually it will change your heart.  As your hearts transformed; life will be too.  It’s the greatest work of the Spirit to transform our hearts from a heart of stone; to a heart of flesh.  It’s His favorite masterpiece!  Life will still have hardships but nothing can ever separate us from God’s love, His presence, or His promises.  As I started this week; I started it very burdened, worried, and feeling unsure of my calling.  As I listen to the voice of the enemy; I robbed my life of God’s promises.  When I get down in my spirit; I turn on worship music.  As I allowed the worship music to flood my house; it wasn’t empty!  Honestly, it was so full of God’s presence, I couldn’t do anything else but worship!  It’s the best cure for the soul to be still before God.  If it’s been awhile since you felt loved or near God, I challenge you to be still and allow His presence to pour over you.  It’s where thankful spirits are born.

Building stronger marriages together,

Tina Wetor


The following are a few verses to further encourage you:

You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. (Matthew 12:34)

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. (Romans 8:38)

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalms 46:10)

One comment on “BE STILL

  1. When I am struggling, it is always my perspective that is wrong. Most of the time I have focused to much on this life and its various inconveniences and injustices and not on the Lord and His Word. I do not like being corrected but always happy to be in my “right” mind again.

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