Today's Imperfect Minute

Do You Need Soul Care

Good morning, ladies!

How are you doing with your Soul Care?

Are you struggling with loneliness or even a bit of depression? Do you feel out of balance most days or wish your daily life was different?

The answer can most likely be found in your soul.  You can feel balanced. Your daily life can change into something that ministers to you and brings joy. Interested to learn more? Join me in Communities Connections right here on the Forum to find out how your soul is doing. Is your soul balanced? You might be surprised by the answer. Join me to let’s find out.

5 Comments on “Do You Need Soul Care

  1. I would have to say #3 is sticking out to me right now. For the first time in a long time, this is an area I am sorely lacking in and came to realize how truly important this is during my husbands last deployment. I know that we have to go through seasons that teach us things and I thank God that I just went through what I would describe as the worst deployment EVER!! I have truly never felt so lonely, so many awful things happened, but God never left me and He always provided. I never worried about His provision, but I felt so alone. I felt attacked on many fronts, but I made it.. I fought, I didn’t run even though I wanted to. I really didn’t get any me time, which is important too. It was a strange season, a painful and lonely season, but I am thankful for it.
    I learned that changes need to be made, and that even in our darkest hours God is there, not that I didn’t know that, but sometimes we rely on others, most likely our husbands, other than God, but when God removes your husband from the equation for 8 months, and you find yourself in a place you can not even believe you are in, you can either turn your back on God or you can fall to your knees, but He never ever leaves us!!
    I hope this makes sense, I know its been a while, but I am glad to be in here today!

    1. @mamavc5 I’m so sorry! I had no idea. I thought you were doing good. But I understand being busy doesn’t mean we are doing good. I’m praying for you now. Asking God to bring beauty from the ashes in your hands. I trust He is already working to do just this. Please let me know how I can help or if you would love to have a listening ear.. I’m here praying for you. <3

      1. Its ok, I was so busy, and I think that was part of the problem. The only time I had alone was the bathroom and bedtime, and even then the youngest two were in bed with me. SO, funny story, I posted another post cause I didn’t see this thread. Proof that I have been out of the loop for a very long time, so I apologize for that 🙂
        God has all ready spoken to me so much, and I am grateful that He never leaves us!

        1. Amen!! He truly doesn’t. We are the ones that leave Him.. well, at least I do! Love you and excited you are back!! We need you here. We need your voice!! You are a Princess Warrior for the cause of Christ!! <3

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