Today's Imperfect Minute

Semper Fi: Always Faithful

Eight years ago I married my high school sweetheart. Though the marriage has not been perfect, I can always count on my husband to support me in all my hopes and dreams.

Recently, he accomplished one of his dreams:  to complete a bachelor’s degree. I couldn’t help but laugh when he thanked me for all my support and asked me why I dealt with him being preoccupied for so long. I wasn’t laughing at him but rather the idea that he thought that I wouldn’t show him the same love and support as he had shown me for so many years.

When I thought about how my husband and I support one another, I was brought to the words of Job 4:4, which says,

Your words have supported those who stumbled; you have strengthened faltering knees.

Like my husband’s encouraging words for me, God’s words supported our marriage through some of our darkest hours. With each passing day, I find myself using God’s words to grow and focus on my marriage, but even more, to focus on my husband.

Though he has accomplished a great feat by obtaining a bachelor’s degree while being enlisted in the Marine Corps, Brandon is not done yet. He would love to continue to advance by becoming an officer. The opportunity has arrived twice in the last four months for him to apply, but there was always something that prevented him from applying. He was disappointed, but I was devastated for him. I know that this has been his goal since the day we got married at the age of 19 and it seems as though it isn’t meant to be.

Despite his inability to apply for the program, my husband has established a new way of ensuring his success. I admire my husband’s strength and flexibility when dealing with alterations to his plans. I began to pray and search for God’s words on support and encouragement. God led me to 2 Chronicles 15:7.

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

I love these words! Through these words, I know that my husband will accomplish everything he ever desired and I will have the strength to stand beside him through every struggle and triumph. This week, I fasted for my husband and all that he is and wants to be!

Praying for all of us,

Rita Metcalf

Rita Metcalf married her high school sweetheart, Brandon, more than eight years ago. Together they have struggled and continue to struggle to avoid becoming another statistic for young, military couples divorcing. Through these struggles, Rita has grown to know more about life, sacrifice and love but most importantly, Jesus’ love for her. The Metcalfs have been blessed with three beautiful children, Kiera (5), Adam (4) and Evan (1). While Brandon is conducting his Marine Corps duties, Rita is a stay-at-home mom who strives to better the life of her children and anyone who may cross their path.

Rita is a 2009 graduate of the University of Phoenix with a Bachelors of Science in Business Management. Though her original goal was to become a lawyer, every job position Rita held, lead her to management roles thus, determining her major. Currently, Rita leads the children’s program along with assisting in community services and fundraising for a newly established MCAS Miramar Military MOPS. Additionally, Rita, along with her husband and kids participate in walks/runs to raise money for charities and other programs designed to give back to the community. Rita also co-leads, with Amanda Hughes, the Facebook group The Imperfect Wives ~ Living God’s Portion, which focuses on health and wellness through obedience to God.

Image via Pinterest

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