Today's Imperfect Minute


5-12-2014 8-19-04 AMOnly 24 hours in a day, two hands, and piles of chores but it’s all for three beautiful children and the love of my life.  Life doesn’t ever seem to slow down; it’s seems as if I will never catch up.  Sometimes, I wish God would grant me a request as Joshua and just stop time!  (Joshua 10:13) Oh, what I could do?  What I could get done?  Yet, time will never again stand still, the world will keep turning.  So, if I only get a moment to catch your attention; I pray this blog will capture your heart.


Sometimes as wives and mothers, we wonder if we are really making an impact on our families. 

Constant reminders, repeated answers, and what seems to be endless questions can make our hearts feel depleted.  We have battled the trenches; we have the scars to prove it.  It’s ugly out there!  Someone has declared war on our faith, our families, and his appetite is craving souls!  The price is too great not to fight in prayer for our marriages and our children’s lives-this is the greatest calling of a mother.  It’s one of our deadly and most powerful weapons to use; it’s a weapon we must be familiar with.  So familiar we can use in the depths of darkness or must intense situations, we are prepared to fight!  We will not stop engaging in battle until the battle is won!  Our Commander In Chief isn’t afraid to step into our battle because He has declared it won!  Oh, but I forgot to advise—we have a secret weapon!  Our secret weapon has never been defeated, will never change, and is sharper than a double edge sword-the Word of God!  (Hebrews 4:12) Why is this our secret weapon?  The Word of God is our secret weapon because as we teach our children the Word; it never leaves them!  Never!!! Whether we sing psalms or hymns, decorate the house with Scripture, or teach them from the Word it’s a powerful investment.

“So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)

Although it may seem as if we are repeating ourselves; repeat it until it’s understood!  May I remind you God still reminds us of His truth, sometimes repeats it!  Jesus taught the parables numerous times until the disciples had a V-8 moment!  Praise God for His patience with us, so don’t stop being patient with your children or yourself.  Investing in their lives will be a lifetime but eternally can only be done through the Word.

Speak the Word INTO their lives, so it will be HIDDEN in their hearts.  It’s not only what will keep their hearts stable; it will keep them from the nose-hook of sin.  (Psalm 119:11)

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” (Hebrews 6:10)

As the Spirit of God spoke over my youngest son, Caleb, I stood in gratitude to God.  The Spirit of God revealed to my son, He was called for His purpose.  It didn’t catch me by surprise, when Caleb was born God spoke this to my heart, so I nurtured in prayer.  Although the stakes are higher; I can’t allow my hands to hang limp.  No warrior ever goes into battle without being called, prepared, and a desire to fight!  So, the battle scars may seem many but the price is worth it!  What you are doing in secret doesn’t go unheard, unseen, or denied because God loves a prayer from a mother.

Building strong marriages together,

Tina Wetor

One comment on “SECRET WEAPONS

  1. So much powerful truth here. And no need to wait to have devotional time. Use every moment to teach the Word. Singing Bible verse songs is my favorite. Watching Bible videos is another favorite. I remember most the portions of Scripture we had to memorize for school. It is a faithful promise that the Word will not return void. It is a mighty weapon against the enemy, but we are not to use it as a weapon against those around us.

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