Today's Imperfect Minute

"Romancing Your Husband" Giveaway!

It’s Giveaway Thursday!

Do you long for more romance in your marriage? (I do.)

Have you ever wanted to add a little spark to your marriage, but get stuck sometimes? (I have.)

Do you want a marriage that reflects the glory of the love God intended for a husband and wife to share, but you need to be pointed in the right direction? (Me, too.)

Romancing Your Husband: Enjoying a Passionate Life Together by Debra White Smith is an easy read that will help you with all of those goals.

Whether you’ve read lots of books on marriage (like me) or you’ve yet to pick one up, this is a good one for this summer.

Debra’s descriptions of her challenges, failures and successes, coupled with prayer suggestions and ways to improve upon her efforts really hit home with me. Her deliberate preparation and forethought, coupled with reflection on her efforts and their results really spoke to my teacher’s heart! (How can we get better at something unless we evaluate our performance?!)

As I said on The Imperfect Wives radio show this week, the major thing that God spoke to my heart about through this book is the idea of the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12), which says,

So in everything, do to others what you
would have them do to you.

If I, as Robert’s wife, desire him to express romantic feelings toward me, I need to express romantic feelings toward him. So simple. Yet so profound. Love this.
And I tested it just yesterday! I put a “love note” in his lunch box like I always do, but I added a romantic quotation to the bottom. (Thank you, Quote Garden!) Last night, he mentioned it while we were hanging out with our kids. He leaned over and said thank you for that note, how much the quotation at the bottom meant to him, and how he got choked up over it when he read it. Wow! Talk about a little seed bearing big fruit!

We want to bless you as our readers with the book so we are giving one away!

Rules to the Giveaway:

1. Follow us here on The Imperfect Wives.

2. Subscribe to our feed by entering your email address in our subscribe box. You will find it on the right side bar and subscribe.

3. Join us on our twitter account @imperfectwives

4. “Like” The Imperfect Wives on Facebook/TheImperfectWives

5. For an extra entry add our blog button to your blog.

*******Please post a comment for each entry********

So we can track your entries better. You have 5 chances to win. We are excited to give this book away. The winner will be announced this Tuesday on The Imperfect Wives Show on Blog Talk Radio via Christian Women Affiliate.

The Imperfect Wives
Cherie, Rebecca, Mary, Barb, & Kim


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