My Imperfect Wives local group and I are going through Proverbs 31 verse by verse using a study method I learned many years ago called S.O.A.P. I have no idea where it originated. I wish I did so I could give credit to the one who created it.

As I prayed over this study in preparation for my groups time together, I heard God telling me, “I am going to do mighty things in the wives during this study.”  He brought this statement to fruition our very first night!

“An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.  The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.” Proverbs 31:10-12


The first step with S.O.A.P. is to write down the verse.


The first area God hit was in verse 10: “She is far more precious than jewels.”  God spoke to one of  the wives heart’s and said, “YOU are more precious to me than jewels and You are precious to your husband!”  This one statement grabbed our collective attention. For the first time, we saw the “Her” is “Me!”

God then took His statement even further.  “No matter what your husbands thoughts of you are, You Are More Precious to Him than every jewel I have created!”  I heard God say, “You are the most precious gift I have given him!”

Are you reading this verse and glossing over this truth? You cannot argue with God on this one. You need to receive this about yourself. I am praying now that God will give you the courage to do so. This is His truth about YOU.  It is the foundation of our Love-Relationship with Him!


Our application were some what different but also the same. God challenged us to apply the areas we had learned from these short 3 verses to our thinking.  I needed to see Her as Me! This would take some work but the initial Truth had already started rewriting my self image.


We closed in prayer and asked God to change our thoughts and change us! We left feeling revived! God has poured into our heart a desire to pursue the life of the Proverbs 31 Wife with the new found knowledge that We are Her; Far more precious than every jewel our Heavenly Father has created!

From a heart that is revived,

Cherie ♥