Today's Imperfect Minute

Prepare the Way

My third son recently joined the Boy Scouts. The Scouts’ motto is “be prepared.”

This idea also crosses over into our “Living Intentionally Free in 2012” motto here at The Imperfect Wives.  We need to prepare for the Lord’s coming.

John the Baptist proclaimed in Matthew 3:3,

A voice of one calling in the desert ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’

We need to prepare as we invite that same Messiah that John proclaimed to do a new work in our marriages.

We are fasting tomorrow with the purpose of being in concerted prayer for our marriages. Today, I believe God is calling us to “prepare the way for the Lord” to move in our marriages before we fast.

There are several ways we can begin the preparation.

We can ask God to:

~ prepare our hearts for the fast tomorrow by confessing any hidden or unconfessed sin;

~ reveal the areas He wants to move in for our marriage relationship;

~ increase our faith as we move out in obedience for our marriage;

grant wisdom to each partner so that the one-flesh marriage will indeed be a reflection of Christ and the church.

Then we need to believe God, ladies.

Believe God and expect that He will do what He says.

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Prepare the Way for Him in your marriage!

Rolling up my sleeves to get ready,


Image from Pinterest


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