Today's Imperfect Minute

Pick Up Your Mat and Walk

There was a man who was sitting by the Sheep Gate. John 5:2-8

A pool called Bethesda (in Hebrew) was there. It had five porches and the sick would gather on these porches waiting for the water to move.

They knew the Angel of God would come down at a certain time of the day to stir the water.

Once the water was stirred, whoever stepped in first would be made whole from the disease they had.

John 5:5 Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years.

Our friend at the Sheep Gate had this infirmity His whole life!

He was waiting for someone to pick him up and take him to the water when it was stirred.

Can you imagine his anguish and pain? Let’s think a little deeper about the scene that God is unfolding for us…

There are MANY people at the pool waiting for the water to be stirred. Since the Bible tells us that only one person at a time will receive their healing, do you think anyone is thinking about our friend at the Sheep Gate?

Probably not…

Knowing that only 1 will be healed, can you see a race for the water every time the water is stirred?

Jesus saw this man and knowing he had been this way for a long time, asked him this question:

“Do you want to be made whole?”

What was the man’s answer? I’m sure no different from what ours would be:

“Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.”

Just like this man, some our marriages have an infirmity.

And just as he can see, we see God healing other marriages before our own.

Is God talking to you right now?

Is He stirring the waters of your heart?

What a blessing for our friend. After 38 years of waiting, Jesus passes by and our friend catches His attention.

I am convinced (since this is where He has me right now) that Jesus is asking us the same question today!

Do you want your marriage made whole?

Do you?

Jesus said to him,

“Rise! Take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.

I am amazed at our friend’s faith!

I think if I had been sitting there for 38 years, waiting for my healing, my faith may have dwindled just a bit…

But not our friend.

He believed that Jesus had healed him and obeyed what he was told to do. In this he was made whole

So…. what are you waiting for?

The water has been stirred just for you.

Not the water in the Bethesda.

The living water that only comes from Jesus.

He is passing you by now.

It’s your time!!


Precious Wife, your wait is over…

Pick up your mat and walk!

Praying for your marriage,


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