Today's Imperfect Minute

Peace of Christ to You

“Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God;  trust also in me.”  John 14:1 (NIV)

I love what it says in chapter 14 of the book of John.  Need a fresh focus?  A redirect?  Check it out.

In one of my Bibles, there is a chapter descriptor which says of chapter 14, “Christ comforts His disciples.”

I love that — Jesus brings His followers comfort!

Another word which could be substituted here is peace.  Christ brings peace to His disciples.

Jesus interacts with His close followers here in ways that I can relate.

Jesus’ closest friends are unclear of the meaning of everything that Jesus says must take place.  He is leaving and to them, there is no good way to take that news.  The disciples ask Jesus just what He means by his radical statement — that knowing Him was knowing the Father (see verse 7) — and that the peace of Christ was theirs. News of his departure brought anything but peace or comfort to these men that loved Him.  First it was Thomas who asked (well, of course it would be Thomas, as we all know he was the doubter!); but then it was Philip, and then Judas (not Iscariot) asking the questions that were in all of their minds.

Jesus chides Philip, as He has chided me personally before, by asking “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? (Kim?)” (verse 9)

Like the disciples who didn’t understand, I have lost my focus at times.  I’ve taken my eyes off of Jesus and let circumstances and emotions dictate how I live my life.  I temporarily get off track.

Do you ever feel like you are out of focus?

I have. And when I am out of focus like the disciples in this chapter, I don’t understand or see what Jesus is doing in the midst of life’s circumstances.

Jesus is the one who holds the key to our focus remaining clear.  Jesus is the one who is our peace in the turmoil and busyness.  He is our peace in the storms and howling winds of life.  He is our peace in the midst of our marriage relationship and all other relationships.

Jesus points out to His beloved friends that if  they walk in faith, in a relationship with Him, then His Holy Spirit will come and live inside of each of them.  The Spirit of the Living God will teach them all things.  (verse 26)

He is not leaving them, but rather giving them exactly what they need — His indwelling Spirit living in them! Talk about a refocus.

We must remember our Christian walk is all about relationship.  Relationship to the One who lives in us! Relationship with the One who died to reconcile us to the Father! Relationship to the One who lives victoriously over sin and death!

Ladies, it is time to say no to the peace-stealer, that crafty enemy of your souls, and to keep our eyes focused on the Prince of Peace.  He has promised us peace. He gives it to us generously. Oh, not the peace of the world, but the peace of Christ.  John 14:27 says,

 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Don’t be troubled.  Don’t be afraid.  Refocus on Christ.  And may the peace of Christ be with you,


image via Pinterest

One comment on “Peace of Christ to You

  1. I love this Kim! How true this post is! He has been with us all along… and yet we still don’t know Him!?! How much like Thomas we can be! I need to trust Him more!!

    And that last verse! That has been my verse for this new year! Love it and love His promises, the way He comforts us!!

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