We’ve spent the past two weeks on a great subject: submission.
We’ve discussed in detail the importance of submission, how it glorifies God, shows respect for your husband, and why it’s vital to a healthy marriage.
But today I began to think about the how.
He wants one thing. You want another.
So now what? How?
Right now in my household, we are trying to make some major decisions.
Can you say rock and hard place?
My heart is all for submitting; it’s what I want more than anything.
I began praying this morning, from deep inside my heart, that God wouldn’t change my husband or his plan and desires, but that He would change me.
I have to get on board. I need to be my husband’s support. There’s no doubt.
My fears and dread-ings {yes, it is a word, at least for right this moment} they have to go. Right now.
As I continued to pray, so frustrated with myself and the selfishness I was battling, the Lord so clearly spoke to my heart with these words:
So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.” Mark 9:29
The how: prayer and fasting.
Now while in context, this is actually how Jesus was instructing the disciples to cast out demons, for this moment it makes so much sense.
I can’t do this in my own strength. There’s no way.
But combining the desire of my heart to submit to my husband with prayer and fasting will be a recipe for success.
Maybe he will change his mind. Maybe I will change my heart.
Either way, God has been given room to move and for flesh to die.
Praying He shows you how,
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