Today's Imperfect Minute

No Record of Sins

If you, LORD, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you. I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.   Psalm 130:3-5

I am so very grateful that the Lord doesn’t keep a record of sins!

I know that I could never stand in the face of an exhaustive list of my transgressions.  The combined weight of my sin would be so far beyond my ability to bear it, that I would simply be crushed.

That’s where Jesus comes in!  His willing sacrifice for my sin brings me to repentance.

His faithfulness to forgive me when I repent is so far beyond what I deserve that I have difficulty understanding the depth of His mercy in my life!

Out of that forgiveness, there is restoration of relationship.  My Heavenly Father’s forgiveness allows me to be in His presence once again.

And out of that fellowship flows my desire to serve Him.  How do I serve our Lord in a way that brings Him honor?  Through serving people—the one thing in all of creation made in His image!

I can honor the Lord’s gift of forgiveness of sin through serving the people around me who are so very precious to the Him.  Especially my husband.

I serve.

And then I wait.

I wait for direction from the Lord.  He always shows me what step comes next!

I wait for provision from the Lord.  He always takes care of my family’s needs.

I wait for God’s answers to my prayers.   His timing is always perfect.  I just don’t always see it until later.

I wait for Him to do His work in me…the work that I cannot do without Him.

I wait for Him to to His work in Robert…the work that I cannot rush.

And then I do what the last part of verse five says:

“…and in his word I put my hope.”

While I’m rejoicing in my forgiveness, serving the Lord with reverence, and waiting for Him, I turn my attention to God’s Word.  Reading the Bible is so very important for a few reasons:

1.  It is the truth.
2.  It is God’s written “owner’s manual” for me as a Christian.
3.  I see more of God’s character each time I read it.
4.  Turning out attention to the Word renews our mind and transforms out thinking.

These are things to rejoice in!

And now some more application for us Imperfect Wives:

~Don’t keep a record of your husband’s sins.  He can’t stand in the face of them.

~Offer the gift of true forgiveness to your husband so that your relationship can be restored.

~Wait for God to do the work that only He can in your husband (and yourself, don’t forget!).

~Hope in God’s Word for your hubby.  God’s Word is just as true for him as it is for you!

Praying for each of us,


Photo credit: Microsoft Word clipart with name added.


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