Today's Imperfect Minute


4-10-2014 8-27-48 AMWhen Christ entered my life; He changed it!

Since the day of salvation my life has continued to change, it’s different because it’s new!  Growing up in an alcoholic home is unstable, never peaceful, and it’s learning to survive.  Sadly I encountered abuse of women who were beautiful, intelligent, and those who I loved.


Although my father’s three marriages failed for the same reasons: physical abuse, emotional abuse, controlling behavior, and alcohol.  All of the women left to escape this hellish lifestyle of a destructive pattern of manipulation. Although I was very quiet, I was very observant of my environment and very protective of my inner circle.  Even if you were in my inner circle, my secret was hidden to the world to avoid being rejected, labeled, or questioned.  Love was a deep desire of my heart, a longing for any child who is abused.

“We all long for acceptance, belief of our abilities, stability, and love!”

Like other girls, I dreamed of my wedding as a child.  What girl doesn’t?  We paint pictures of the proposal, the perfect dress, and the wedding day!  Yet, I didn’t know if marriage would be a possibility, but Christ changed everything-He made something new of my life.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, THE NEW IS HERE!” (2 Cor. 5:17)

 It’s a new way of life; I am learning day by day how to live it.  It’s learning to walk in grace, having a teachable spirit, and it’s an adjustment.  Keep in mind when God saved your life; it was a new life.  A new beginning would come; it’s been a blessing to walk.  When I married Ryan I was very uncertain how to be a good wife, to raise a child to be godly or to establish a godly home, to lay the foundation for generations after.   Yet, it’s vital I long for my children to raise my grandchildren to love God.  It’s an investment I can’t afford not to make; it has to begin with someone, so I accept it. All of my children are different in personality, how they are taught, and their callings, but they are loved from us.  I am truly grateful my children are confident in their abilities, confident in God’s love, and able to stand secure in their lives.  Although they are individuals with different callings, we are from the same family; we are united to serve God.  If you want evidence my life has changed by God’s grace-spend time with my children.  Look at the proof within their lives, God’s love is real, present, and secure in their lives.

Nevertheless, God NEVER left my side, the Spirit who leads us to truth; He guides our steps completely as long as we are listening.  Sometimes, it’s really hard to believe the difference of the environment I grew up in compared to the environment I live. It’s an environment of peace, growth, and where love abounds the most. As I have watched my children grow, it’s a joy to my heart to know the curse of the sin has been broken. The curse upon my life was broken at the cross, so my children don’t have to see it, hear it, or feel it. The curse of abuse, alcohol, and living in fear is gone only by the grace of God! It’s a new life, a new walk, and a new way of life. The thief may have stolen my childhood but he didn’t steal my life.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”(John 10:10)

Whatever the past holds in your life; it’s not the final chapter! God’s grace has a new chapter for you!  My husband and I desired and wanted our marriage to be used for God’s glory to restore lives of the broken.  Honestly, I can say my husband’s love restored the greatest lack in my life-confidence.  Confidence in God’s call upon my life, how God made me, allows me to use my talents/abilities, and allows me room to grow.   It’s a new way of life but it’s a commitment to change, growth, and walking in unity to what God wants.  Love is the healer of the soul but the two loves of my heart: God and my husband gave me a new life.

Sometimes we are afraid of change, but if we really long to walk with Christ, it’s about change.  It’s about changing your perspective, your desires, and your heart.  All of the changes are not in vain the changes are advancing your growth, mending your spirit, and allowing life to be new.  So embrace the change, God’s making you into His likeness, a woman who looks like Jesus!

Building strong marriages together,

Tina Wetor

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