As are most members of the Armed Forces, my husband is a hero.

He has served 3 tours of duty, ranging from the Middle East to the Mediterranean. As a pilot, he participated in missions that included flying fallen service members to a place of rest. He has missed the birth of a child, countless birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.

All at the call to serve and protect his country.

He has humbly received medals and recognition for his hard work and dedication.

Visits to our home church resulted in a sanctuary filled with hundreds, clapping and cheering in a standing ovation for my husband.

My husband is a hero.

Here’s the kicker, though: Do I treat him like he is a hero?

In the day-to-day of marriage, parenting, house-to-be-cleaned, laundry-to-be-finished, home- school-work-to-be-graded, PMS to be combatted and in-laws-to-be-dealt-with, do I treat him like a hero?

“ . . . and the wife must respect her husband.”
Ephesians 5:33

Do I treat him like a hero when he comes home from a long day at work, but still manages to help me at bath time?

Do I treat him like a hero when he lets me pick the movie, even though he will be bored to tears?

Do I recall all the good and still treat him like a hero when he has said something that hurt my feelings?

When I want him to spend time with me, but he would rather play a video game, how will I react?

Worthy or not, the Lord has made very clear how we should respond.

Just like the song sings…R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Respect: Not a suggestion, but a must according to the one who joined us together.

I challenge you this week to make a list of all your husbands hero-worthy qualities. Use this list as a prayer of thanksgiving unto the Lord, or to encourage your husband as to all the good you see in him. Or to simply have to read over again, when you feel his “hero status” slipping.

I encourage you to share parts of your list here and/or on the face book fan page, as an opportunity to brag on your husband, as well as encourage others in the challenge.

I can’t wait to read about your husband’s hero-worthy qualities!

Have a blessed week.

Loving my hero,
