I am so amazed at God.
He moves in my life in ways that blow me away.
He intervenes. He intercedes. He rescues and He redeems.
Last week, I asked all the Imperfect Wives if you knew God as the Great I AM.
As you thought about that, I hope you were led to worship Him.
Worship of the One who is Worthy — not because of what He does but because He is the I AM.
He IS Worthy!
Moses’ encounter with God as I AM was just the beginning.
He would spend his life coming to experience God in ways that I’m sure “blew him away!”
Very shortly after meeting God at the Burning Bush, Moses obeyed and went to Egypt to seek freedom for the children of Israel.
First, he had to convince Israel that he was on a mission from God. Exodus 4:31 says,
Then the people of Israel were convinced that the LORD had sent Moses and Aaron. When they heard that the LORD was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshiped.” [emphasis mine]
Did you catch that? I AM, the Creator, Sustainer, Life-Giver, All Powerful, Most High God was “concerned about them and had seen their misery.”
Do you ever feel insignificant?
Maybe even lost in your misery or trials?
Intellectually you know God cares for you. The Bible tells you so.
But somewhere deep down, in your heart, you feel as if you are alone.
Alone as you stand committed to your spouse and your marriage.
Take heart! Listen to God.
He speaks His concern about you! He sees your misery!
Know Him as your Deliverer.
The children of Israel would question and even resist Him as their Deliverer but, nonetheless, that is who HE IS. They couldn’t deny it. In Exodus 15:2 the whole nation of Israel sang,
He is your Deliverer!
Praying for you even as you hurt,