Today's Imperfect Minute


5-27-2014 9-17-45 AMJust a few days before Mother’s Day, I received a present from my pastor’s wife.  It was an unexpected gift, but it was just what I needed, a new book!  What a precious gift, a new book written by my favorite author, Robert Liardon, “On Her Knees.”  What a temptation to fight not to begin reading the moment that I received it!  Right before our corporate prayer time, I received this gift.


Now there are a few temptations I admit I can’t fight in my life, I will admit it.  Coffee, cheese, chocolate, and a great book to read I am captive.  Yet, this precious book I read in two days, it was worth the wait to read.What a remarkable testimony and biography of Gladoylene Moore who was a mighty prayer warrior for God.  Nothing prevented this wife, mother, and preacher from her top priority in her life-to pray!  She never neglected her roles as a wife or mother for her families daily needs.

If chores had to be done, she prayed while she did them, even in the Spirit.  When it was her devotional time to be with God, she made sure the children were napping or they were in the room with her.  As a result, all of her children and grandchildren have seen the miraculous move of God within their lives and home.  One of my favorite quotes of her daughter…….

“It didn’t matter if the church we attended was good or bad, we had church at home.” 

“We saw the miraculous move of God in our own home.”

Sadly, I have seen people leave the church because they are not “getting fed” at church.  Now please don’t misunderstand my statement, a good church is vital to one’s spiritual growth.  Yet, we have to make a personal choice to come and dine at the Lord’s Table; it’s a daily choice to come.  Sometimes as mothers, we neglect our time with God to tend to our families.  Nevertheless, this powerful woman of God proves we don’t need to neglect it; we need to understand it’s our life line.  Our greatest duty and call is to pray for our husband and children.  If we long to change the world for Jesus; it must begin in our homes.  It begins with a heart of prayer; a loving heart to pray for those who mean the most.  It starts, continues, and ends with a heart of prayer-there is no substitute for a godly life.

My prayer is for this blog not to make any wife or mother to feel condemned, but to realize your greatest weapon of protection, peace, and power is praying for your family.  Sometimes we may feel our prayers don’t matter or what’s the use?  So, we don’t utter a word or open the Word with uncertainty where to begin.  Yet, may I remind you prayer is pouring your soul out to God!  Until God answers, pour out your soul until either He answers or moves.  Also, pray in the Spirit, so He can pray through you and for you!  Why is praying in the Spirit important because it’s a weapon in warfare, it brings assurance of praying through, and it’s a promise of God’s holy Word.

If we long for our children to see the miraculous move of God or our nation revived, we have to pray.  As I read this book it not only rekindle to keep the flame of God burning, desiring greater intimacy with God, it brought reassurance to a mother’s heart-God will move in my children’s life.  My deepest desire is for my children to personally know the love of God, be transformed by His grace, but to walk in the fullness of the Spirit as it once did on Azusa Street!  It was a remarkable Pentecostal move of God within this nation!  What’s so remarkable Gladolyene Moore got to experience it, preach it, and prayed for it!

Praying without ceasing; it’s not only in Scripture-it’s should be the heart-beat of a mother.  We never stop caring or worrying about the lives of our children, we start loving and nurturing at birth.  It’s how God programmed us to produce life but to nurture it as well.   The hardest job a woman will ever receive is to be a wife and mother but it’s also the most rewarding.  We get to touch the lives God entrusts us with, it’s a precious calling.  So, may you realize your life isn’t just about cleaning the house, cooking dinner, and folding laundry it’s raising a generation to love God.

Building strong marriages together,

Tina Wetor


Here are few verses to encourage you:

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) 

Pray all the time. Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit’s wishes. Plead with him, reminding him of your needs, and keep praying earnestly for all Christians everywhere.” (Ephesians 6:18)

“Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.” (Proverbs 31:11-12)

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