Today's Imperfect Minute

Monday Prayer&Fasting | Imperfect Wives LIVE

prayerfasting (not rounded)This past Monday’s Prayer and Fasting was amazing. THANK YOU to those who joined the team to pray. We had so many prayer request on Monday’s blog post. Sarah, Deborah and I were worn out after the day, but it was so worth it. We are already starting to get testimonies in of how God has moved Mountains in some marriages and brought the beginnings of Change in others.. What an honor it is to pray for you! Join us this next Monday for another day of Prayer and Fasting. You can join the prayer team and post your request and the request of others.


Imperfect Wives LIVE: Knights or Kings

Who makes you feel secure in your marriage? Join Angela and me for a challenging discussion on overcoming insecurities in our marriages and relationships.

Grab your Bibles, notebooks, highlighters and coffee, invite your friends and meet us here at 8am PST/11am EST on Google+ Hangout or on our website here at Imperfect Wives Live: Knights or Kings

Building stronger marriages together,


One comment on “Monday Prayer&Fasting | Imperfect Wives LIVE

  1. God is always loving even in the midst of the storm. I have been asking for prayer for my marriage. First that my husband accept Jesus, second for a marriage restoration. I can feel and see God moving all around us. I can see the changes taking place.
    Thank you all for your prayers. I am so appreciative that we have one another to pray with. I ask that you continue to lift us up in prayer daily. I will be praying for marriage restoration to sweep the nation. God is able!!!

    God Bless,

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