Join us starting today for our “Mondays Prayer and Fasting!
We want to invite all of our prayer warriors to join us here every Monday, starting today, for a special time of Prayer and Fasting for every marriage within our ministry and those you want to ask prayer for! Deborah Sewell will be leading us and encouraging us through out the day! (Disclaimer: Facebook will not allow us to post in the Imperfect Wives Club today where we have been advertising our prayer and fasting event. So we moved it here)
Here is how this is going to work:
-> Please comment on this post signaling you are joining us to pray and fast. The will become our intercessor team for the day.
-> Secondly, please comment with your prayer needs. This will be our running list for everyone to read and pray over.
-> Third, we are asking you to fast at least one meal, one hour from TV, or the internet, or anything else God leads you to fast. You can fast the entire day if this is what God is asking you to do.
-> Deborah and I and other members of our team will post songs and other things within the comment section here keep us all on track throughout the day as we fast. So check back often and read through the comments.
It is this simple, but the Praise Reports are going to blow us AWAY!! Don’t Forget to post your Praise Reports during and after the fast so we can all REJOICE with you and Praise God and His Faithfulness TOGETHER!!
If you have a prayer request but would like to keep it confidential, please email us at and we will connect with you there!
Below is a song to get you started and to encourage you!!
So excited about this time fast and pray together. There is nothing like fasting to draw our hearts to the Lord as fasting and prayer does. I will be looking for your request. May the Lord be glorified as we seek Him together.
Excited as well to pray over the needs of every wife! Looking forward to reading your post and lifting you in prayer with Deborah and our team today!
We are praying this morning for those who are struggling with an unfaithful husband.
There is power in praying God’s Word over our husbands. When we pray the following verses, we are praying a Hedge of Thorns around our husbands. A hedge of thorns is just what they need!
“ 6Therefore, behold, I will hedge up your way with thorns, And wall her in, So that she cannot find her paths. 7 She will chase her lovers, But not overtake them; Yes, she will seek them, but not find them. Then she will say, ‘I will go and return to my first husband, For then it was better for me than now.’ -Hosea 2:6-7
Hosea prayed this over his wife when she went back to the life she knew before she met him. Replace “she” with your husband’s name and walk in faith that God is going to turn his attentions and heart back to you. By praying/building a “hedge of thorns” around him he will lose interest and Satan is no longer able to take him captive by someone else. His heart will begin to return back to you!
Please comment if you would like us to pray these verses over you and your husband. You don’t have to share your name or his. 🙂
I am praying for marriage restoration to sweep the nation.
Thank you for all that you do daily. I am praying for my spouse to come to know The Lord an believing in the promises of God.
God bless!!
Jerri Gilchrist
Thank you for joining us to pray for marriages today! Excited to have you on our team today!! Deb and I are standing with you!! God is stirring a movement where marriage is concerned!! Change is coming and marriages are being saved!!
Amen, Jerri! The Lord is raising up Warrior Princesses! Standing with you for your husband’s salvation. Keep standing on those promises. We are praying you will stay sensitive to the Lord and your husband and you show him Christ in your marriage and home. May you sense fresh grace pouring over you today!!
I’d love this prayed over my husband. His name is Jason and I will stand with you all in prayer and fasting !!! Expecting extraordinary things from God 🙂
Praying for you and Jason too. Thank you for joining. I am repeating all I said to Jerri over you! I can the heart of the Father for both of you!
Praying Hosea over you and Jason now.. Our prayers are building a hedge of thorns around every marriage today!!!
Please pray a hedge of thorns around delwin johnny my unfaithful partner and a hedge of protection around me and our kids.
We will be lifting you in prayer Janice. This fight isn’t easy but it is one that you can win when you surrender it to God and begin to take back what God has given to you!! We are so honored to stand in the gap for both of you!!
Amen! Agreeing in prayer with Cherie and all of you praying. God’s Word does not return void, but accomplishes all He wills. Does not matter how we feel about it. Keep praying the Scripture in faith and stand on the Word of God!
Also praying for those that lack intimacy in their marriages. We are agreeing that the wall will be torn down just like the walls of Jericho. We will agree for the roots to be exposed and torn up.
We are also standing with those facing financial difficulties. Jehovah Jirah is our Provider. We are praying He will release blessing over your marriage and family, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
A verse for encouragement!
“‘O Lord GOD, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your strong hand; for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as Yours?” – Deuteronomy 3:24
Love you, Deb!!!! I love locking shields with you in prayer!!
Love this verse, Deb!!!!
Amen! Let us not withhold ourselves from each other!
Amen! I am looking forward to this beautiful time of prayer and fasting! I know God is going to move mountains today
So glad to have you praying with us Sarah!! Woot woot!!! <3
I am having Facebook issues this morning, but it is giving me a spiritual edge and causing me to press in harder and FOCUS. That is what we need to do when things get rough, run to the Throne room and P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens.
The computer issues today are reminding me we first need to connected to the Power source. I always start a fast my praying Psalm 51. Sin separates us from the Lord. I do not want any sin or attitude to hinder my prayers. Remember, if we confess our sins the Lord is FAITHFUL to forgive us and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. Whew! Thank God for that!
Joining the team to pray over all needs.
Welcome, Christi!! So excited to have you joining the team today!! We need you, sweet friend!!
We have received a couple prayer requests from Margaret Mazza and she’s asked me to post on her behalf:
“I have been kind of sick for the past two weeks or so. Bad coughing and it’s disrupting my sleep and hurting my abs now. Secondly, my mom has been really depressed lately since we’re entering the holiday season and my sister isn’t at home anymore. She is very lonely. Finally my husband and I have had a couple fights this week. Nothing really bad, I just don’t want to argue anymore.”
Lifting you Margaret, I pray for your health -for an ease of your flu symptoms & the pain that is coming from them & for deep, restoring rest over your mind & body. I pray for clarity of thought & discernment so that you may know what to say to bring peace into your home- that the arguing be banished & productive , loving, healing communication be restored in Jesus name. I ask for special grace to flood you to see your husband as Jesus does and to have the first thought as to forgive. I pray for your mum, for her hurting heart to be comforted- the grief in a mumma’s heart in the holiday season is very painful- Father soothe this ache & bring Your Comfort that endures. Lift these precious people, let them draw close to You and seek Your face & feel Your presence in the everyday circumstances & know You are walking them through. In Your Mighty Grace, Amen
Lifting you in prayer now, Margaret!! By Jesus stripes you are healed. If He is your God, He will go before you to make the crooked path straight. Lifting your mom now as well and asking God to lift the cloud of depression and to release her from this bondage.
We are praying Hosea over all of the marriages today. This is my post from earlier: We are praying this morning for those who are struggling with an unfaithful husband.
There is power in praying God’s Word over our husbands. When we pray the following verses, we are praying a Hedge of Thorns around our husbands. A hedge of thorns is just what they need!
“ 6Therefore, behold, I will hedge up your way with thorns, And wall her in, So that she cannot find her paths. 7 She will chase her lovers, But not overtake them; Yes, she will seek them, but not find them. Then she will say, ‘I will go and return to my first husband, For then it was better for me than now.’ -Hosea 2:6-7
Hosea prayed this over his wife when she went back to the life she knew before she met him. Replace “she” with your husband’s name and walk in faith that God is going to turn his attentions and heart back to you. By praying/building a “hedge of thorns” around him he will lose interest and Satan is no longer able to take him captive by someone else. His heart will begin to return back to you!
Adding you and your husband to the list.. Cleave to each other within your marriage covenant with God and let Him guard and guide you!
Margaret has another prayer request. The arguments her and her husband have been having stem from some issues with their home. She feels as if her husband isn’t taking her seriously and is ignoring the issues for the sake of his friendship with their landlord. “How can I get him to hear me? I’m really sick of being told I’m just OCD about being clean when I feel like this is a real issue in our home. I feel like he values his friendship over my feelings and opinion. It makes me feel insignificant and unimportant. I’ve said that to him, he says it’s not that at all, yet still does nothing. How can I make him hear me?”
Praying for wives missing their husbands & “holding down the fort” – husbands serving fighting fires here in Australia, husbands travelling away for work, husbands deployed, husbands who are sick/ in hospital.
The Father knows the circumstance & knows the stress & strain the wives are to bear. Praying that our wives can lean on Him & be wise & strong.
Blessed to be praying & fasting with you wonderful women of God xx
Carolyn, thank you for joining our prayer team today and for “holding down the fort” concerning marriages all over the world!! We are storming the Heavenlies and lifting each marriage before God’s throne!! I trust He is going to move mountains today and I know you do as well. Thank you!!!
We just received another prayer request, ladies.
Nikita: Good morning I’m asking for special prayer this week. My divorce hearing is tomorrow and I don’t know what to expect tomorrow and in the next months to come. I’ve been praying, reading, and worshipping so I’m confused as to why I’ve had two anxiety attacks nevertheless I did. I ask that you also include Antionne (estranged husband) in your prayers, he filed for the divorce but he seems very confused, bitter, and emotional. I was told this is God’s will so let him go and rejoice, however realistically in spite of the hell I’ve been through with him, no part of me feels like rejoicing, anyway Thanks in advance for joining with me in prayer for my family!
This is the first time I have been this overwhelmed in a fast!! Nikita, praying for you and binding the strong holds that have kept your husbands heart from you for so long!! Lifting you both in prayer as as one flesh and praying a Hedge of Thorns around you!!! Speaking LIFE Into your marriage and both of your hearts!! Jesus has already won the battle for your marriage.. Asking God to minister to your husband’s heart and to turn this all back around for His Glory!!
Please see my first comment about Hosea and pray those verses over you and your husband!!
Thank you all, I prayed the above prayer and received a sweet rebuke in doing so. Regardless of the outcome I have resolved to read God’s word more and watch what I speak! My conduct has to change regardless of whether my title does. It feels amazing praying for and with others, God bless!
Amen, Cherie! encouraging you, Nikita, to never give up! Not even legal papers can stop the Lord from intervening. We are agreeing the Lord will encourage you and reveal His will and plan for your situation. The greatest battle is in our hearts staying open to all the Lord wants to do in us and never believing the lies of the enemy. So many have done listened to the wrong voices for so long they sound like the truth. The only truth is the Word of God!! Our thoughts must line up with the Word! I love to do word searches and write out the Scriptures that speak to me about what is challenging me. It is always a heart issue with me.
My favorite warfare verses, and I pray almost daily are 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (NKJV)
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
What verses keep you focused?
Nikita, sometimes our prayers need to stay just between us and God. Your husband isn’t in the right place to receive your heart and only sees it as disrespect or you trying to manipulate him or that your saying he isn’t enough. It’s not always for us to share with out spouse. Ask God for wisdom and only share as He leads you to!!
I wish I had learned this a long time ago!
Amen, Cherie, encouraging you to never give up. Not even legal papers can stop the Lord from intervening. We are agreeing the Lord will encourage you and reveal His will and plan for your situation. The greatest battle is in our hearts staying open to all the Lord wants to do in us and never believing the lies of the enemy. So many have done listened to the wrong voices for so long they sound like the truth. The only truth is the Word of God!! Our thoughts must line up with the Word! I love to do word searches and write out the Scriptures that speak to me about what is challenging me. It is always a heart issue with me.
My favorite warfare verses, and I pray almost daily are 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (NKJV)
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
What verses keep you focused?
Ha, that verse has been in my head and heart for the last week! Agreed, I have listened to so many and lived in Dysfunction for so long it’s hard to determine what is truth and what is normal ….I’m trying to sort through it all, really get a grasp of spirituality and life. I believe God is moving in spite of what it looks like and regardless of what will happen ultimately it’s what’s best for me. Can I honestly say I’m sold out in faith believing for my marriage, no. In my prayer time just a little while ago I had to confess I’ve given up and don’t see the point in praying for reconciliation when it appears we never should have wed, and majority of the “words” received have been for me to accept that God is releasing me. It’s hard to believe for something that has done so much damage and that God is not in the midst of. Honestly I’ve prayed over the last 4 yrs but not like I should have, we’ve both only picked God up as a last resort, I’ve been disobedient and helped destroy my marriage. I still believe in marriage and love so I am sincerely praying for all marriages it’s just with mine I don’t know what to say…. I know this may sound confusing but I know faith is required and I have it for others but not for my own I believe ironic as it may seem this is God’s will, so I just want strength to endure and I desire that my estranged husband and I be healed and restored unto God. I do hope my transparency is not taken as me being negative. I really do believe God will intervene for you all and I do believe marriage works.
I love confirmations! Yes, that same word you give to others is for YOU!! Keep asking, keep knocking, keep seeking, keep trusting, and keep posting! Looking forward to the testimonies. The programs in the archives are great for encouragement, too!
Praying and fasting for all you ladies, praying for the strength to stand in our marriages, refusing to let the enemy have his way. Praying for marriages that are unequally yoked that through us our Husbands will see their Savior and the eyes of their understanding will be opened to the knowledge of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thank you, Ashely!! Excited you have joined today’s team as well!! You have so much wisdom to share!! Thank you for joining us!!
Amen, Ashley! Your beautiful post reminded me of one of my favorite Scriptures.
Habakkuk 3:19(AMP)
19 The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds’ feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering, or responsibility]!
Ladies, praying this over every marriage as we fast and pray today:
“Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” -Hebrews 13:4
What does this verse say to you? Have you defiled your marriage bed? It could have just been through your thoughts but even this counts! But God still forgives today. All we have to do is ask!! Praying over every marriage.
Good morning! I am participating in this! 🙂 My marriage has not been the best for the past few months. There is a lot of strife and arguing going on. I really want to change who I am and how I react as the fault mostly lies with me. Please keep me in prayer that I will keep listening to the voice of God and block out that voice that tells me that I will never achieve what I so desperately desire!
I will keep you all in prayer as well!
Love you all!
Sweet Toni.. So excited you have joined us today!! Praying for you and your husband today!! Hold on to God’s promises for you both! You are one Flesh in Christ Jesus!! He will not let you go.
I will post more as I pray and God speaks!!
Toni, I see the enemy voice battle to be the biggest for most of us. he knows his time is short and is trying to do as much damage as possible. his greatest weapon is keeping us from the TRUTH. We are to know the Word, quote the Word, and receive NOTHING from the enemy. We have to know who we are in Christ. Praying 2 Cor. 10:4-5 over you now. Write it out (I love the NKJ version) and pray it as often as the enemy tries to attack your mind. Love you, Toni
Another song to encourage and strengthen you today!
I am praying and fasting for marriages today. I ask that pray for my marriage. My husband and I have grown so far apart that we have become like roommates. I am standing in agreement that God will restore marriages and bring back love, peace and joy. I pray that my husband will see God for who He is and surrender his life to Him.
As I read over this Renee, the Lord brought Joel 2:25 to my mind “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten…” What a beautiful promise! I have been in a similar situation before and it was heart wrenching to be in! Farther up in Joel, verses 12 through 14, it says: ‘ “Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” 13 Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. 14 Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave behind a blessing— grain offerings and drink offerings for the Lord your God.’ God has your husband in His sights, he is pursing Him, you do not have to carry that burden. Abba I pray that you will renew Renee’s heart and mind Lord, fan the spark inside of her and reignite that passion Lord. I pray she will run after you with her whole heart, that her light will shine so bright that her husband will be drawn towards you as well, like a moth in the night. Lord we know and we believe, that the closer we get to you, the closer we get to our spouse. Abba Father, your ways are holy and your ways are not our ways, sometimes we feel so confused. Give Renee a peace that surpasses all understanding! You have a plan and a purpose for this family. Your will Father, not ours, be done. Amen
Thank you Sarah and I have to say that you have confirmed what God had told me through someone else, Joel 2:25 as well as the other verses you spoke off. I know that this is truly from God because both you and this other person I have never spoken to before and all I did was ask for prayer for my marriage for the situation that we are in. I receive it in Jesus name, Amen!! God bless you!
Thank you, Renee, for joining us in prayer. It is an honor to lift others in prayer and I’m honored to pray for you and your husband as well. As we pray for other marriages and sow into them with our time and sacrifice, God pours blessings into our own. Praying for you and your husband, that the barriers will be removed and the line between you that is telling you you can’t cross it, will be destroyed.
In case you haven’t caught it, we are praying Hosea over all of the marriages today. We invite you to pray them with us. When we pray the following verses, we are praying a Hedge of Thorns around our husbands.
“ 6Therefore, behold, I will hedge up your way with thorns, And wall her in, So that she cannot find her paths. 7 She will chase her lovers, But not overtake them; Yes, she will seek them, but not find them. Then she will say, ‘I will go and return to my first husband, For then it was better for me than now.’ -Hosea 2:6-7
Hosea prayed this over his wife when she went back to the life she knew when she met him. She drew a line that separated them from each other just like you and your husband. As you pray, replace “she” with your husband’s name and walk in faith that God is going to turn his attentions and heart back to you. Including yourself in the hedge of thorns. You are in covenant with your husband and God. What God does to one He does to the other. This is important because God wants to aline both your hearts with His. <3
Thank you Cherie, I will do just that with the scriptures. As I read all the post it breaks my heart to see how the enemy is after so many marriages and to think of the one’s that we don’t know about. As much as I wanted to walk away from my marriage because of all the hurt and betrayal, I had no choice but to believe God that he would soften my heart to forgive. God bless you!
We have another prayer request, from Lana:
“Please pray for me, I believe I may possibly be pregnant, I am not married. Pray for me to have a clear head and not get so down on myself. I’ve been really bad with self deprecating lately and I know it’s not getting me anywhere good.”
Lifting you in prayer now, Lana!! Here is Who God says you are!!
I am complete in Him Who is the Head of all principality and power (Colossians 2:10).
I am alive with Christ (Ephesians 2:5).
I am free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2).
I am far from oppression, and fear does not come near me (Isaiah 54:14).
These are just a few of the many verses God has written about you!! Praying you will receive these as Truth (because they are). Lana, let God heal your heart and soul! If you haven’t yet, I hope you will ask Him into your heart and receive your salvation today. Please let us know if you need help doing this. We want to help you! <3
I am born of God, and the evil one does not touch me (1 John 5:18).
I am holy and without blame before Him in love (Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:16).
I have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16; Philippians 2:5).
I have the peace of God that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7).
I have the Greater One living in me; greater is He Who is in me than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).
I have received the gift of righteousness and reign as a king in life by Jesus Christ (Romans 5:17).
I have received the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus, the eyes of my understanding being enlightened (Ephesians 1:17-18).
I have received the power of the Holy Spirit to lay hands on the sick and see them recover, to cast out demons, to speak with new tongues. I have power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means harm me (Mark 16:17-18; Luke 10:17-19).
I have put off the old man and have put on the new man, which is renewed in the knowledge after the image of Him Who created me (Colossians 3:9-10).
I have given, and it is given to me; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, men give into my bosom (Luke 6:38).
I have no lack for my God supplies all of my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).
It says to speak my mind!! I worship You Father! I praise Your greatness. I am overwhelmed by Your love for us. You are mindful of every cry. We cry out to You to reveal Yourself in great and mighty ways. We know nothing will happen without Your help. We know You delight in the prayers of your saints. Our praise is as incense to You.
I pray that God will give my fiance and I they direction in which we are to go. I ask that he guides us to all truth in our relationship and removes any strong holds that we might have experienced in our past marriages and allows us to grow in GODS grace together. He is already changing things for us but it is always great to have others pray for us as well. To GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!!!
Wanda, coming along side you in prayer for these areas. Congratulations on your engagement and I’m excited to hear that you are already recognizing things from your past marriages that you don’t want to bring into your new life together. This is one of the greatest gifts you can give each other as you prepare to walk the isle.
Praying for both of you now!!
Wanda, so glad you are asking now, I love proactive faith and prayer. There are many programs in the archives that can help you pray and give you discussion questions for you and your fiancé. Please stay in contact. Lot of encouraging wisdom in the blogs and on our wall.
Praising GOD for all of these requests, and praying in agreement that GOD’s WILL BE DONE on behalf of each marriage represented here!!
Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, we worship YOU! We give YOU praise for all that YOU are in our lives. YOU are our Alpha and Omega; Our PEACE; LOVE; JOY; and STRENGTH! YOU are the one who combined these marriages together, Lord, and I pray what YOU have joined together, NO man will put asunder.
I pray for YOUR protection over these marriages, Lord. I rebuke Satan and ALL of his tactics that he uses to destroy marriages! SATAN you are bound in the Name of Jesus, and you have NO authority over these marriages!! We cast you down back to the pit of hell where you belong! NO weapon formed against these marriages will prosper, in Jesus’ precious Name!
I plead the BLOOD of JESUS over each marriage, and over each home, that is posted here. May the healing blood of Jesus repair the damage, and the hurts.
Jehovah Jireh, we petition You today, to provide ALL that these marriages need; above and beyond ALL that we can ask or think!
In Jesus’ precious Name,
I’m praying and praising for all as I am out in the fields ….. where 2-3 are gathered in your name touching upon any thing you are in the midst of our prayer! Prayers for finances /healings /pregnancy /strongholds God of restoration of time! Bind up the wounds and brokenhearted! We r the heads not the tails /above inky not beneath Set. 28:13! Praise you Abba for mighty breakthroughs ….. Isaiah 41:10. No one like you great song ….. Amen! I have trouble posting here cant drag objects but know I’m praying as I read. Can only click to verify. Cherie and Deborah know my request. Peter 3:9/Joel 2:28/Luke. 4:18/Psalm. 147:3
This is from Bridget:
Can everyone be in prayer for our situation? We took in a very young mother to help us pay our rent and to help her get on her feet while she goes to CNA school and gets her GED. She is 18 and she does some things right, but she just lost it last night. Things are very tense. I am willing to continue to help her, but she needs to hold up her side of the bargain and help around the house and tell me when she will be home when she leaves the kids with me. She is very angry because I called her Mom. But I didn’t know what else to do and though she might give me some insight. Uugghhh. Also please pray for our financial situation. We still don’t have an answer from Social Security regarding my disability and I am not able to work yet. Rent is due soon and we won’t have it.
Bridget, praying for wisdom for you. Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Ask God and He will give you “words of knowledge” and help you make the right choices.
Concerning the young woman; she is so young to have so much responsibility on her shoulders. Praying she finds balance and understand that you were only trying to help her. Having her there is a lot for you as well! Praying for you again for wisdom to be showing into you. The proverbs kind of wisdom. I pray you feel God’s presence and feel yourself lifted up today and each day this week.
Here’s another song of encouragement
Love this song so much I had to post it in our group on Facebook. Thank you, Nilita!!!!
Praying Nikita …scriptures Mark 10:9/Gen 2:24/Mark 10:9 .God wad a witness on your wedding day so it became a covenant a holy covenant God Honoring one. Between you two and God. If you want your marrige back ask God for restoration!
Joining you in prayer, heart and mind.
Praying for all our needs and desires to be met by our one and only Lord and loving Father. For salvation for the unsaved and protection from the temptation
That we will be filled with the grace necessary to glorify God and encourage others.
That every thought of ours is taken captive and made obedient, so that all our words and actions will be loving and compassionate, bringing praise and honour to God..
Here’s another song that I love hope you do as well
I am looking for some prayer warriors. I am a mom of two who is married to a wonderful man. He comes home to us every night and is so wonderful to his children. He always tells me he loves me, but lately he has been very distant. Since he doesn’t go out every night, tell me he has to work late, or make an excuse about coming home I think he isn’t having a physical affair with a sales rep he deals with at his job. Years ago she and he texted because both her parents were very sick and she had to take care of them. He told me he was just a support for her because she didn’t have any friends who were supportive. Since he was outright with the texts and his support to her I didn’t think anything of it. Over the years they have texted daily and even on our vacations I notice his texting her but he says it is the guy he works with who is his assistant in the office. Ah I don’t think so. I don’t say anything to him but inside it hurts. I don’t want him thinking I am Naive. Sometimes I do know it is her because I walk in on them texting and he says oh it’s just *Beth, I don’t know why she is texting me and then doesn’t answer her until I am not around. I know he loves me, but I think he has gotten an emotional affair. I notice time and time again when he isn’t around I will pray about it and I feel so much better, if I don’t pray one day I feel hurt inside, so I am making it a point to pray every day. I came across a hedge of thorns prayer and I pray this every day. I would love to see a testimony from someone who has used this prayer and have found it helps or helped. If you all could say a little prayer for me Elle that would be great! I could use all the prayers I can get. And I am quite good at prayers myself so anyone who needs one you can count on one or many from me. Thank you so much! Ellen